The Baby from the Ocean

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This is set somewhere in the early 90's
Somewhere in the middle of the ocean near Africa, S.H.I.E.L.D has just located and destroy some alien life form. The crew members pack up the heli-carrier to head off to who knows where the wind takes them. Once they finish packing they set off.

Below deck as the crew members check on their weapon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A male crew member scans the boxes and makes a check mark on his check board. As he continues to scans and make little check marks he hears a strange muffled cry.

"Whaaa Whaaa!"

The man looks around the room with confusion on his face.

"Whhaaaa whhhaaa!" The crying sounds like a scream.

The man follows the muffled cries. The cry becomes louder as he stands in front of a black and steel box. He slowly unhooks the box and to his surprise it's a small little African baby at least a few days old. The baby is wrapped in African cloth. The man drops his check board and the baby cries louder. The man pushed a button down on his head coms.

"I need director Fury now, tell him to meet agent Hill in the cafeteria. ASAP!" Agent Hill gently picks up the baby and carries it gently in his arms.


Director Fury and Agent Coulson Rush to the cafeteria to see what the fuss was about. He and Coulson walk into the cafeteria.

"Now will somebody please tell me what the hell Is going on here?" Fury asked as he stepped into the cafeteria.

Agent Hill turns around holding a baby with a bottle in its mouth.

"What the hell is this?" Fury asked.

"Well sir it appears to be a small baby. A small African baby." Coulson said.

"I found him or her in one of the boxes in the cargo room. There was a note in her wrap." He hands Coulson the note.

Coulson opens the note and reads a loud.

"'Please keep her safe and out of trouble."' "That's all the note says, doesn't even say what the baby's name is." Coulson sighed.

"What should we do?" Agent Hill asked.

The baby stars to cry.

"Whhhaaaaa whhhaaaaaa!" She cried.

"...I think she just pooped." Agent Hill holds her far away from him as she continues to cry.

"Here hand her to me, i'll handle this. Coulson try to find an orphanage." Fury said as he takes hold of the baby. He leaves the cafeteria.

"Yes sir, Anget Hill was the baby the only thing in the box?"

"Yes sir, What do think happened?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Why the mother or father put the baby in the box?"

"Well apparently where they were it wasn't safe and wanted the best for their baby, lets leave it at that. Now back to what you were doing." Coulson ordered.

"Yes sir." Agent Hill walks out of the Caferteria.


In Fury's office he changes the baby's diaper with a piece of fabric and some pin needles. The baby girls cry go to a soft coo.

"Is that better now?" He asked the baby.

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