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(Owen wakes up, brush his teeth, take his bath and got dressed)
Owen: today is the day I find out the truth (goes downstairs) good morning everyone
Kelly: good morning Owen, why are you in such a good mood?
Owen: oh nothing, an just happy to be here with my family
Kelly: aww, that's so sweet
Owen: El?
Ella: what?
Owen: where's Jace?
Ella: how would I know. You know what (stands up) I'm going to school
Kelly: El dear, it's Saturday
Ella: I forgot, I'll be in my room (goes to her room)
Kelly: what's up with her?
Owen: she and Riele had a fight and as a result, they ended their friendship
Kelly: wow, when did this happen?
Owen: yesterday
Kelly: why didn't you guys tell me?
Owen: it was late and I kinda forgot
Kelly: am gonna go talk to her(goes to her daughter's room) El
Ella: who is it?
Kelly: it's your mom
Ella: it's open
Kelly: (enters the room) El, do you have something you wanna tell me?
Ella: no mom, why do you ask?
Kelly: well, a little birdie told me you got into a fight with Riele and ended your friendship
Ella: Owen told you
Kelly: yeah, now talk to me
Ella: about what mom?
Kelly: you can start by telling me why you ended your friendship with Riele
Ella: we didn't trust each other
Kelly: is that all?
Ella: no actually, I kinda accused her of cheating during a quiz when she was actually helping me
Kelly: Ella, why would you do that?
Ella: no reason
Kelly: no reason? So you decided to lie about your best friend for no reason. You need to apologise to her
Ella: no mom, am not going to apologise
Kelly: why not?
Ella: cos, she lied to me too
Kelly: lied to you about what?
Ella: she never told me that aunt Leigh killed her mom
Kelly: Leigh killed her mom?But I thought Leigh killed a woman named Elle?
Ella: Elle is Riele's mother and she never told me. Anytime I ask about her mom, she would lie to my face and tell me that her mom is in the military and she has been deployed overseas until I started doing some digging and I found out that her mom is dead. I can't be friends with someone who lies to me constantly and who doesn't trust me
Kelly: but Ella, do you trust her?
Ella: yes mom, I trust her
Kelly: do you miss her?
Ella: yes I miss her a lot
Kelly: then go talk to her
Ella: mom, I can't
Kelly: when did you guys fight?
Ella: yesterday
Kelly: Ella, listen to me, you need to patch things up with Riele, your fight with her is still fresh so if you apologise to her now, you can establish that trust you never had and your friendship will be back on track but if you let pride rule you, she will become your enemy
Ella: okay mom, I'll go apologise
Kelly: that's my girl (kisses her forehead) and one more thing, don't stay out late
Ella: I won't. Love you Mom
Kelly: love you too honey (leaves the room)
Ella: (runs downstairs) Owen, can I go with you to Riele's house?
Owen: sure
Jace: does that mean I don't have to go? (Smiles)
Owen:(smiles back) of course not
Jace: come on bro, I don't even know this Riele girl?
Owen: but you know her parents
Jace: if I don't know her, how would I know her parents?
Owen: you know Principal Kel and aunt Elle, don't you?
Jace: of course, aunt Elle is the woman mom killed
Owen: well, Principal Kel and aunt Elle are Riele's parents
Jace: what! How come no one ever told me?
Ella: well, you never asked, come on guys let's go
Jace: why are you in a hurry?
Ella: it's none of your business. Let's just go (goes outside)
Jace: you know what Wen, am not feeling too good
Owen: I don't care how you are feeling, you promised to go with me and besides El is waiting outside
Jace: fine I will go but when I need a favor, I won't hesitate to ask you
Owen: I know but let's talk about it later, El is waiting for us
Jace: okay, let's go (he goes outside with his brother)
(They all left their house and went to Riele's house, they knock on the door)
Owen:(knocks on the door)
Benjamin: who is it?
Owen: it's me Owen
Benjamin:(opens the door) Owen, Riele is not home
Owen: I'm not here to see Riele, I came to see your father
Benjamin: okay, come in
Owen: thanks (he leads his siblings to their living room)
Benjamin: you can sit down while I go call my Dad (goes upstairs)
Ella: am going to Riele's room
Jace: why?
Ella: none if your business (goes to her room)
Jace: wow Wen, Principal Kel's house is huge
Owen: you think because he's a principal, he will be living in a little house, Mr Kel is among the richest principal in Cleveland
Jace: you don't say
Owen: I do say. Here come Mr Kel
Kel: hello boys
Boys: hello sir
Kel: so, what can I do for you boys today (sits down)
Owen: sir, we came in respect of Leigh
Kel: your mom?
Jace: yes sir
Owen: she told me you know the reason why she killed your wife
Kel: oh that, well what do you want to know?
Jace: everything
Kel: well it all started 20 years ago, when Leigh and I were in highschool and Leigh had a massive crush on me but I only had eyes for Elle. Unknown to me, Elle and Leigh were best friends and when Leigh found out I wanted to ask Elle out on a date, she became jealous and started avoiding Elle. She avoided Elle for a month but Elle got fed up with her attitude and asked Leigh why she was avoiding her, Leigh told her she was avoiding her cos I asked her on a date. Elle told Leigh that they should stop fighting because of a guy and she told Leigh she was going to break up with me but Leigh told her not to break up with me
Owen: wait a minute, Leigh told me, that aunt Elle stole you from her
Kel: I never loved Leigh, Leigh was my best friend and I took her as my sister and when I found out she had a crush on me, I became distant from her and started dating Elle. Leigh was fine with us dating and when we announced we we're getting married, Elle asked Leigh to be her chief bridesmaid and Leigh accepted and was happy for us. Our wedding came and it ended, Elle got pregnant and gave birth to Riele. Leigh also gave birth to your sister Ella
Jace: WHAT! Ella is our biological sister?
Owen: I thought she was our step sister?
Kel: no, she is your biological sister
Owen: but how did she end up with Kelly?
Kel: let me tell you, when Ella was a month old and you guys were 3 years old, Leigh found out that Cooper was having an affair with Kelly. Leigh was so angry so she decided to run away but Ella was holding her back, so she told Kelly to take care of her or else she would kill her mother, so Kelly accepted and raised Ella as her child. The day Elle died, a part of me also died
Jace: how did she die?
Kel: we were at home when I got a call from work that there is a meeting, I left and Leigh came to the house and pointed a gun at Elle, Riele tried to stop Leigh from killing her mom but she could not stop her. When I returned, I found my wife and kids on the floor, my wife died and kids covered in her blood crying around her. That was 5 years ago
Jace: so Leigh did all this just to have a chance with you?
Kel: yes. She was obsessed with me, she wanted to have me and she wanted nobody to be in her way, so she eliminated one person in her way, my wife, Elle
Jace: am so sorry to hear that
Kel: it's ok
Owen: Leigh sent a message for you
Kel: what is it?
Owen: she said she will come back to take her revenge
Kel: oh. Pleases promise me one thing
Boys: what is that sir?
Kel: promise me you will protect my children especially Riele
Riele:(enters the house) hey Dad
Kel: hey sweetie, how was your jog?
Riele: it was refreshing and soothing. An just gonna go take a shower
Kel: ok hon
Riele:(goes upstairs and sees Ella) what are you doing here?
Ella: I came to apologise (goes on her knees) I'm very sorry Rie, I didn't tell you because I wasn't ready to share that part of my life with you. I was selfish and very stupid and am sorry. I miss you Rie
Riele: I'm also sorry for lying to you about my mom. I missed you El. I was frustrated without you and I forgive you
Ella: thanks Rie (hugs her friend) I have to start going, talk to you later
Riele: bye
Ella:(left her friend's room and went downstairs)
Jace:(sees Ella and went to hug her)
Ella: Jace, why are you hugging me like this?
Jace: you are our long lost little sister
Ella: no, you're getting it wrong, I'm your step sister not your biological sister
Owen: you are our biological sister El
Ella:(surprised) what about mom?
Owen: you mean Kelly?
Ella: yes, her
Owen: she was in a relationship with our Dad, so Leigh found out and ran away with Jace and I and she left you with Kelly
Ella: I don't believe you, so why did Kelly lie to me?
Jace: I don't know why, maybe we should go ask her, come on let's go
Owen: okay, let's go (to Mr Kel) be careful sir
Kel: I will, bye
Boys: bye (they leave with Ella)

So the truth is finally out. I wonder why Kelly lied to Ella all this years. We will find out in the next chapter.......Peace ✌️

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