Missing You...Part Two

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What will Demi do now?

Demis POV

Unlocking the door to the apartment you and Y/N shared, you walked in to an incredibly silent and darkened atmosphere. In fact, it was too silent and dark, you could virtually hear a pin drop and barely see.

Walking further into the apartment, you began switching the lights on and opening the windows and blinds. Inside was muggy and held an unusual scent, a fresh, crisp breeze was definitely needed.

As light illuminated within, the remnants of Y/N's virtual breakdown became evident. The sight of empty alcohol bottles scattered on the lounge room floor and coffee table, sent a cold shiver down your body. You knew Y/N drank, but never to this extent, and that frightened you a lot.

Slowly but surely you continued your way through the apartment, examining your surroundings. Despite the small noise made from your foot steps, the apartment still held a chilling silence. As you reached the hallway, the slightly ajar door of your Y/Ns bedroom caught your eye amongst all the other closed rooms.

Your breathing slightly picked up and your nerves resurfaced as you continued to your bedroom, almost frightened to see the state she was in. Although desperate for her touch and her smell and just to be in her presence you quietly opened the door further to reveal your exhausted girlfriend cuddled up in a ball on your side of the bed, clutching your oversized sweater in her embrace with tear stains down her beautiful face.

In that moment you could physically hear your heart break.

You slowly walked out of the room, leaving her in peace as she quite obviously needed it and went to the lounge room to clean the mess and wait for your girl.

~2 hours later ~  

You woke up with a massive headache, groaning as you tossed and turned, trying to get back to sleep. But as the pain heightened, you forced yourself out of bed and to the kitchen to find some relief. Muttering and groaning from the pain you continued to drag yourself throughout the apartment.
As you neared the lounge, you noticed the area looking a lot cleaner. Confused, you diverted your direction towards the lounge and immediately stood still in your trance as you saw Demi sitting casually on the lounge. Startling Demi with the added noise from your movements she quickly noticed you and you both locked eyes.

You completely froze, almost as if you were scared.

Demi's POV

As our eyes locked, it felt like forever just loosing ourselves in each others eyes, although this time, Y/Ns eyes didnt hold that captivating sensation she always retained. In fact, her whole presence was not her usual self. To put it quite simply, she looked like a mess. You had to break this tense eye contact and have her in your arms asap.

"Hey", you whispered quitetly, but Y/N did not even respond, not even a flinch. She just stood there, absoultetly shocked. "Baby", you continued, and with the sound of that she quickly looked to the ground, a blush forming on her cheeks as she quietly responded, "Hi", embarrased, although still locked in her current position. "Y/N", you said firmly, her head quickly shot up, alarmed with the change of tone in your voice. "Come here babe...please", you finally concluded in your attempt.

She slowly trudged over to you, cautiously sitting next to you, but not too close. As you looked down towards her, you noticed her hands shaking, yet her body becoming extremley tense. In that moment, without even thinking twice, you pulled her onto your lap, engulfing her in a big hug, craddling her almost like a child. She immediately collapsed into a sob, although began to calm down, as she nuzzled herself more into your embrace. "I-I'm s-sorry", she yelped, a rush of tears still evidently falling down her precious face, as you tightened your grip. 

Pain and guilt washed over you, looking at the state of your girl. 'This is all my fault', you thought. 

How will Demi respond now? 


im soorrryyyyyyyyyy for the incredibly late reply, as well as the short imagine, however i am SO busy its crazy. BUT i felt SO bad for not posting, so i wrote this quickly just for the time being and decided to make a third and final part...so soz for it being crap :/ 

idk when but hopefully i will update the final part soon, as well as, 'Word of Chances' final part. 

btw ... Merry Christmasss !!

- Danielle xxxxxxx

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