My Love is Like a Star

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It was Valentines Day and you had been away from Demi for a couple days on a business trip. It was absolutely killing you that you were apart as it was also your one year anniversary as well as the fact you hadn't left things on a good note. In fact it was so bad that you were almost certain Demi had kicked you out with all her yelling and crying. 

Today you had an extremely important meeting that you had been preparing for the last month. Then straight after flying home, that is if you were still welcome. Unfortunately you had, had no sleep for the past couple of days as the fight kept continuously re-playing in your head. You hadn't spoken to Demi since you left and knew she would be hurting as she had been looking forward to your anniversary for months now. 

It was an hour until your meeting and you were extremely nervous. You felt nauseous and almost on the verge of a panic attack. "Great" you thought to yourself. You hadn't had an attack for months now and Demi was the only one who could really calm you down. As you sat waiting outside the office you re-read your notes aloud trying to prepare further. But as you kept practising you became even more anxious and stressed. You were so worried you would forget everything you had to win this case. 
After a while you felt yourself calm a little. You went to the bathroom to re-apply your makeup as your sweat had basically removed it all. While you were rummaging through your bag for lip gloss you found a picture of you and Demi from your second date. You immediately broke down in tears as everything came back; your fight; how much you missed her; her voice; her smile; this disastrous meeting; everything. 
As you were getting lost in your thoughts, you felt your phone vibrate. It was a text message from Demi. 
'Good Luck.' it read.
She actually cared, you thought to yourself. Even though it was completely dry and un-demi like, she still cared. You knew you had to make things right with your girl. 

You quickly fixed yourself and rushed out of the bathroom knowing you were late. For the next two hours you kicked ass in your meeting and completely won your case. All you could think about was how grateful you were for Demi. Even though she wasn't with you, she made today possible. You had to do something big before you arrived home. 
As you were on your way to the airport you stopped past a florist and arranged to have 365 long stemmed red roses sent to Demi with a note, 
'365 roses for 365 days I have known and loved you. I'm sorry'. 

- 5 hours later -
You had finally arrived home and were slowly walking up to your front door completely nervous. Even though you hadn't heard from Demi since she texted you and weren't sure if she wanted you back, you were determined to make things right. You weren't losing your girl.
As you walked in quietly putting your things to the side you were immediately embraced in Demi's giant bear hug almost tackling you to the ground. Demi kissed you all over wetting your face with all her tears, breaking your heart. You picked her up, sitting her on your lap on the couch passionately kissing. Demi broke the kiss and looked straight in your eyes with tears streaming down her cheeks, whispering "I love you baby girl, forever and always". With that you embraced Demi in a tight hug replying "Happy Anniversary baby". 
You two cuddled and made out for the remainder of the night. You were so happy knowing you had finally got your girl back.

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