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Water, muscle, blood, bones, people sometimes think that's what humans are made off but it's only a small part of a human, feelings, thoughts, people don't seem to care about that.

"Step away from him," A girl looked behind her seeing herself moving closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. "I won't you'll just kill him," she said holding onto the arm of the boy standing in front of her. "just step back," the guy said. As he slowly pushed her back she lost balance falling off the cliff. The guy turned around trying to grab her arm but he was too late he looked seeing her fall to her death before he heard her father shout "get him,". He quickly turned around seeing guards close in on him. He slowly stepped back also falling down the cliff. "sir," one of the guards yelled making place for the girl's father. "leave them, they're dead, there is nothing we can do," with that he turned around walking back to the village to tell him wife the news. 

As the sun would set like it did every night darkness would fall over the land. But not the kind that would scare you or you would hide from, it would be beautiful, millions of stars lighting rows and rows of trees and mountain. The night was there favorite time of day, their only type of day. They would light lanterns at the one open place of the forest. They would dance through the night, as their skins would glance in the moonlight.

As the sun would rise they would rise with it. Opening the door to their houses seeing the sun come through the trees. They would greet each other and go to their own business they would work in the fields make clothes they would hunt, just a normal day for them. They were never awake at night and kids were terrified of the night, no wonder with all the stories their parents told them.

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