Falling for my partner

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I'm obsessed with b99 and Jake is my fave character. it's my first time writing a b99 fan fic so idk if it's gonna be good

Your POV

I joined the 99 exactly 4 months ago. when I first came here, I was scared that I wasn't going to fit in with the other detectives but that wasn't the case. my first day on the job Captain Holt had made sure that I had a warm welcome from everyone.

Flashback to the first day

"Everyone in the briefing room now" Holt announces "God he always sounds so stern" Gina mumbles. When everyone was in the briefing room, Holt assigned people with their cases for the day and then introduced me to everyone

"I would like to introduce you all to the new member of the team. Detective L/n" I walk into the briefing room nervously after the Captain had announced who I was. I decided to bite the bullet and introduce myself "Hello my name is Detective F/n L/n and I'm glad to be a part of the team" I scan my eyes around the room to check out the other detectives and my eyes land on a fairly good looking Detective sitting at the back of the room

"Peralta, because your old partner quit, Detective L/n will be your new partner" I follow the Captain's eyes to see who he's talking to only to see he's talking to the good looking dude at the back. My eyes are still focused on Peralta wondering what his next move is gonna be. He remained seated for a few moments after the Captain paired us up. I see him smirk while looking at me, he finally gets up and walks over to me and the Captain

"So what's our case today Captain?" he's silent for a moment looking at a file "Local drug bust, will probably have to be a stakeout" Peralta and I both nod and thank the Captain. Before I can say anything else, Peralta already snatched the case file from Holt's hand and dragged me with him to the parking lot. Once we were in the car Jake decides to talk again "First day on the job and you're spending it with the best Detective in the precinct" he has a cocky grin "Oh really? Where is this 'best detective'?" he looked slightly offended "I'm kidding, I know you're the best Detective in the precinct" he smirks "Good, just don't let Santiago here you say that"

A couple of hours into our stakeout, I notice a van pull up ahead of Jake's car "Jake look" I pull on his arm to get his attention "Finally some shits going down" Jake and I grab our guns and vests from the back and slowly get out of the car and walk up to the van "It's empty" he says. I walk over to the side Jake was as and look up at the building "Guess we have some door duty to do then" as I'm walking away I hear Jake mumble something under his breath "What was that Peralta?" "Oh nothing, was just talking to myself" I smirk and lightly chuckle

We finally get to the floor that our perp is on, now it's just a matter of how we're going to do this. Jake knocks on the door "NYPD open up" nobody answers the door but I hear something being knocked over. I push Jake back and kick down the door. I see two men struggling to put the drugs in the bag "NYPD FREEZE" I shout. One guy surrenders with his hands up and Jake goes over to cuff him, while the other guy is a bit more difficult. I put down my gun to show him I'm not going to shoot and reach for my hand cuffs. Before I can get them on the guy, he punches me in the face

I see Jake looking at the scene and when the dude punched me, that made Jake mad. He went over the the guy and forcefully handcuffed him "You are under arrest for attempted drug smuggling, resisting arrest and assaulting a fellow police officer" I can't help but admire Jake while he's doing all of this. As he's reading the rights I go over to the already handcuffed perp and bring him out to the car. When they were both in the car, Jake turned to me "Hey are you ok?" I nod "Yeah, it's just a hit" Jake chuckled "Y/N, you got a punch to the face. At least let me check it over once we get back to the precinct" I sigh "If it makes you happy then ok" he smiles "Good"

Back at the precinct, after people had congratulated me on my first arrest, Jake had brought me to the break room to clean up the cut on my lip "Thank you Doctor Peralta" he chuckles "This might sting" he gently takes a hold of my chin and tilts my head so he can clean my lip. The cold tissue comes in contact with my lip and I flinch a little "Sorry" I chuckle a little "It's ok, it was just cold" While I have this opportunity, I take in jake's facial features, I feel jake doing the same. I involuntarily find myself leaning in. Just as we were about to kiss, there was a knock on the door

Jake and I back away from each other and I clear my throat "Jake, the captain wants to see you" He gives me a smile before heading out of the room. I gather my things and sit at my desk

Jake's POV

Just as Y/N and I were about to kiss, there was a knock on the break room door. I inwardly sigh at whoever ruined our moment. "Jake the captain wants to see you" it was Gina. I give Y/N a smile before I leave the room. I walk into the Captain's office "Sir, you wanted to see me?"

He didn't look too happy. then again, he never really does "Yes, take a seat Peralta" I sit down and then he starts talking "I see your stakeout with Detective L/N went well" I nod "Yeah it did" he nods "Obviously except for the fact that L/N got punched in the face" I sigh "So that's what this is about" 'How the hell did he even find out' I think to myself.   "Yes it is Peralta. You were meant to be training her and keeping her safe" I nod "I know sir, but I was with her the entire time. I was arresting one of the perps, as soon as I saw what he had done I took action straight away" "That's not the point. She still got injured under your watch and that will have to go on file"

I sigh "Look, sir I know what happened shouldn't have happened but she's a good cop and I didn't want her sitting on the side lines. She's a badass and plus she's ok, she let me take a look at her lip and it's fine" The Captain looked like he was thinking "Here's what I'll do. I won't write you up, I'll let her remain your partner, but for the next week, you both will be off the field and will be working from your desk" I nod "Ok, fine" "Dismissed"

Your POV

I really wanted to know what was going on in the Captain's office. Jake looked frustrated and the Captain looked, well like he always does. I see Jake coming out of his office and I pretend like I'm doing my work. He sits at his desk which is in front of mine. "Hey how'd it go with the Cap?" He sighed, uh oh "He was giving out to me that I let you get hurt, I told him how good and badass you were though and he told me that he won't write me up, but we aren't allowed out on the field for a week, so we're gonna be working from our desks instead"

"Oh fun" I say sarcastically. I don't know why the Captain's punishing Jake for this, it isn't his fault "Look Y/n, I'm sorry. This is my fault. If I had of been doing my job right this never would have happened" I look over to Jake "Hey, it isn't your fault. I'm the one who ran head first into this whole thing, I'll take the blame and I'll work from my desk for the week. You shouldn't have to suffer from my mistake" Jake gets up from his seat and sits at the one beside mine "Look, we're partners. We'll do this together. Plus, you looked badass kicking down the door"

I was going to say something when I was interrupted by Boyle "I hear wedding bells" I look at Charles then back and Jake and laugh "Too early Charles" Jake says. I wonder does anyone know about mine and Jake's little moment in the break room. Anyway, enough about that. Time to get back to work "Anyway, look Y/n, what I'm saying is, we're partners, we'll always stick together and have each others backs ok? I don't mind working from my desk because I get to do it with you" I look up "Cheesy cliché, I like it" I giggle "It's what I'm known for" Jake sits back down at his desk and goes back to doing his work. I turn to my computer and start typing up my report on how the drug bust went. Working with Jake isn't going to be as bad as I thought.

Back into writing and i missed it. Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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