Jake gets jealous

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Sometimes when I find myself with nothing to do, I just reminisce about my past. I have a quite interesting past, one that I don't ever want to go back to. In a packed precinct, it's hard to get a moment to myself but my desk will do. "Y/n" I look up to see Jake "Yeah?" He sits down in the perp chair "You doing ok?" I nod "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Jake shakes his head "Ah, no reason, just seemed like you were spacing out, so I thought I'd come over to see if you're ok" I smiled "Thanks Jake, I'm doing ok, I promise" He pats my knee and heads off to the breakroom. Jake is like a goofy child trapped in a man's body, but he gets serious when he has to. That's one of the reasons I fell for him. I have always wanted to tell Jake my true past and not some nonsense one, but I know that it would be a bad thing. Pulling someone into my past is a very bad idea. I get pulled from my thoughts yet again by my phone chiming. "If this is Gina I'm goimg to scream" I say, picking it up to see who's texting me. Looking at the phone, it takes me a minute to figure out the contact. I gasp and throw my phone down on the table

The one name I never thought I would see again, Dean Winchester. It can't be though, Dean's dead. I saw him being mauled by the hellhound. My breathing becomes quick, I need to get out of here. I head towards the roof. Stepping out, I look at the name and the text along with it. Y/n, I need your help. I can't help but think it's actually Dean, but for weeks after he was killed by the hellhound I would constantly get texts or calls from 'Dean'. Being wary, I asked him to tell me roughly where he was. "I'm not that far from where you all buried me. There's a rusty old gas station here where I am. It reminds me of when we'd go out to hunt and have to sleep in motels" I couldn't help but chuckle at this. "This can't actually be Dean. He's dead" I say out loud. Either way, as a detective it's my duty to investigate this. The question is, do I bring Jake along. Yes, I might need an extra pair of hands, but if this is some sick trick done by a demon, then that means Jake will have to be dragged into the world of supernatural. 

I sigh when the roof door opens. I look over to see Jake standing there, concern all over his face "What's the matter Y/n, and don't say it's nothing because I saw how you rushed out here" Damn. I take a shaky deep breath in and out. Here goes I guess "Ok, I'm going to say something to you and you will think I'm crazy, but please listen to the end" Jake nods, sitting down "Alright, so I lied about my past" Jakes face turns from concern to hurt "But the reason I lied is because my past is complicated. I mean really complicated. I was born in Lawrence, Kansas my parents names are M/n and D/n. When I was 5, I saw my mom on the floor dead, and my dead being ripped apart by this- this monster. I wanted to scream but I also didn't want to end up like my parents so I ran upstairs to my room and hid in my closet. I waited there for what felt like hours until I heard my front door open. I had snuck over to the staircase to see a ragged man standing there"

Jake's expression was unreadable but I continued. "He looked at my mom and dad like he knew them, but I had no idea who he was. I went further down the stairs to catch his attention and he turned to me. He knew me, but I didn't know him, his name was John Winchester. After that he took me in as one of his own and from that I met Sam and Dean Winchester. I later learned that the thing that killed my parents was a vampire" I stopped to take a breather, Jake just looked gobsmacked "The job that John did and dragged his kids into is called hunting. They hunt ghosts, demons, werewolves, vampires ghouls, anything you can think of. Now, Dean kept calling it 'The family business' because obviously we couldn't tell people what we were doing" Jake looked at me for a moment

"Y/n why are you telling me this? That sounded rude hang on, what I mean is, it's paining you talk about this so I want you to know you can stop any time"I shake my head "No you have to know, but it's also bad if you know and there's a point to why I'm telling you" He nods "Ok, go ahead. Stop at anytime if it gets too much" I smile at his caring behaviour "Skipping forward in the timeline, Sam went off to college because hunting wasn't really his thing, so it was Dean, John and me hunting. John would sometimes send Dean and I off hunting and he'd go alone. Only he hadn't been home in days which was not like him so we got the help of Sam. Skipping the small things, we got into a car crash and Dean was in a bad way. Like dying kind of bad, so John decided to sell his soul to save Dean. That was dealt with, I'm going to skip to why I'm telling you this. A thing I have to say first is that demons can be summoned and can accept the selling of someone's soul. People sell their souls for many different reasons and the one the Winchester's use is to save the other"

Jake nods his head, processing the information "Sam was killed and Dean sold his soul so Sam could live. Dean got a year before it was time for the demon to collect his soul. That year was up, and so that meant only one thing, hellhounds. A hellhound is basically a dog but it's purpose is to serve demons. Dean was cut and torn by the hellhound and it was horrible to see" I take a deep breath "He- he got sent to hell and from there we knew there was no going back. Dean was dead and we had to live with that. After his death, i kept getting texts from demons saying that they were Dean, so I wanted to get as far away from that life as I could and thus, bringing me here" Jake just looks at me, doesn't say anything. He gets up and gives me a hug "I am so sorry" I smile and hug him back "It's ok Jake. I'm ok" We pull away from the hug and I grab my phone opening the message

"Today, I got a text. The contact name was Dean. I'm just not sure if it's actually Dean. I asked him to say where we buried him and he told me, so that's why I'm holding hope it's him" I said looking at the ground "Ok, so let's go check" Jake says, standing up. I look at him "Are you sure, because if this ends up being a sick demon prank, you're going to wish you didn't come with me" Jake nods "I'm sure. I also want to be there for you for support" He smiles softly. "Thank you Jake" I smile and hug him. "Right, I have to go to my apartment to get a few things and then we can head off. We will be on the road for a while so get ready for that"  I say smiling as I walk back into the bullpen. "I should probably tell the Captain that an emergency came up shouldn't I?" I ask Jake. He nods "I'll do it, you go to your apartment, get what you need and we'll meet outside the precinct" Nodding, I head towards the elevator making a list in my head of the things I will need to get incase it does turn out to be a demon and I have to fight. I just hope it doesn't come to that.

Part 2 is being written, was longer than I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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