ABC kiss me

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"...I don't want to be with you", I sigh and even though I am crying, they are not tears of sadness, but relief. "What do you mean?". "I DO NOT LOVE YOU AND NEVER WILL!", I cried. "But I want to be with you. I want to have kids. I want to rule the omniverse by your side. I want you". "I'm sorry, but I don't. The voice in my head says no".

"You are dumping me based on a voice in your head?". "I am dumping you based on what I believe. You are my best friend and that's all I want". "But babe..." "Don't Babe me. I love you as a friend", I shout. Those words stung like a hot knife through his heart. I turn to the other hunky beast, his eyes hopeful...

Rewind! My name is Kiara and this is my complicated love story. I loved them both. They had both saved my life, both swept me off my feet in a romantic whirlwind and both had vulnerably said I love you...and I love them both, but for the fate of the omniverse I couldn't have both.

I couldn't let love in the way I wanted. They are my pack, but unfortunately there is only one I choose to rule the's a lot of pressure to put on a 20 year old girl...or whatever I am. I know the term they told me of what I am but I don't accept it.

I don't accept that I am an Alpha with all this responsibility. Ugh! Just the sound of the a word makes me gag because it's not like taking care of your pet anymore for me. It is taking care of the whole entire omniverse.

I don't know who I am anymore after all that has happened, but maybe you can help me. This diary you have found is my last chance. Please choose out of three endings. Choose between my galactic warlord to be with and rule the omniverse, my personal guardian or a surprise ending. Is love all you desire? Is duty what you follow through with? Because both come with a consequence... But first let me start from the very beginning...

I guessed it. Ordinary. Loved by both my undivided parents and pet Husky Skylar. I was the only child and I loved it. I was their princess and I thought it was always going to be like that.

But I was naive to think it would stay that way...

Chapter 1: Valencia's introduction

"I can't believe you bit me", Valencia shouted. "I'm sorry. You just looked so tasty, being a Numberless and all. I was curious to see what pathetic would taste like", Blayze grinned. "Lay off, Blayze. That would have hurt", Valencia's brother, Damon growled.

Valencia, a female human with no number was cradled by the arms of her big brother. "Just because your brother is of the indigo clan doesn't mean he's strong enough to win your battles. I'll see you in the dream world, Damon", Blayze said, pointing his finger at Damon.

"Balls flying, flames, earth, water and wind combining into a serenity of chaos. They call the game Bombrool; a mixture of the olden days game pool and rollerskating. It's a dangerous game where the goal holes are on the feet. If you touch the bomb ball then game over. May the strongest and roughest win!", the Dream Manager roars and the audience explodes into cheer.

The moment the alarms sound there was a loud THWACK! "That's what you get for biting my sister!", Damon growled. "Wow! Is that even allowed? Apparently so. The ball went in the hole. Play on".

"You have no idea how much you are going to regret that!", Blayze spat and scooped up the bomb, leaning over on his stilts. The game was over before it had begun for both players.

Blayze threw the bomb and it landed just off the tip of the stilt and created a ruckus. The shattering of the fibreglass ricocheted off the walls. "Blayze, you could have have killed us both!", Damon grimaced, but Blayze wasn't done yet and thrusted all of his bodyweight into his once friend and now opponent and enemy.

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