Making the Rules

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A/N: Hey all! I'm back with a new interpretation of Sam & Blaine's relationship. A couple things to clear up about the story. This takes place in season 5 (Memorial Day weekend right before Sam, Blaine, & Tina graduate), but Kurt and Blaine never got back together after breaking up when Blaine cheated on him, so they're not engaged.

As high school came to a close, each individual senior tried to find a way to make their last days together memorable. For the glee kids, it meant preparing for a possible second consecutive national championship. For everyone else, it meant partying and living every moment like it was their last. Three students in particular recognized that they had missed out on some parts of the regular high school experience due to focusing so heavily on glee club.

Memorial weekend arrived and every kid in school celebrated the long weekend. Blaine Anderson's parents decided to go on a romantic weekend getaway while they had the opportunity to escape the stresses of work, leaving Blaine plenty of room to spend his Memorial weekend however he chose. Lucky for his two best friends, Blaine decided to host a small get together.

Friday night of Memorial weekend, Blaine invited Sam and Tina over for a movie night and gossip session. All three of the friends couldn't wait for a night of endless laughter and bonding. "Alright, what are we gonna do first?" Blaine asked when everyone sat on the couch in his basement.

"I want to do something crazy. Something really memorable," Sam commented, looking around the room. His eyes landed on Blaine's parents' alcohol cabinet.

Tina followed Sam's gaze and raised an eyebrow. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" She started to stand up and walk over to the cabinet. Blaine and Sam followed closely behind. All three of them stared at the large glass structure for a moment as each thought of what might happen if they decided to open it up.

"No...we can't. My parents would kill me," Blaine eventually broke the silence, shaking his head and stepping backward with his arms crossed.

Tina and Sam both turned around to face Blaine and the friends locked eyes, knowing exactly what they wanted to do. Sam decided to be the voice of reason. "Come on, dude. Your parents wouldn't even notice. They have more alcohol than they know what to do with. We'd be doing them a favor."

Blaine looked between Sam and Tina, truly wishing he didn't want to participate in their scheme. "Alright, here's the deal. We need to set up some ground rules to guarantee nothing bad happens and my parents don't find out. I'm gonna write them down here." He found a piece of paper and a marker and started writing his "rules" for the night. "Alright, rule number one: we each pick a bottle and that's all we get."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "A bottle each? That's more than I was expecting. You're way cooler than I thought." Blaine blushed a little at the compliment and attempted to hide his embarrassment from Sam. Everytime he thought he was starting to get over his crush on Sam, the feelings reemerged stronger. Sam barely noticed Blaine's blushing as he reached for the doors to the cabinet.

Blaine grabbed Sam's arm before he could open the doors. "Wait, I'm not done. Rule number two: no drinking games. I know they're fun and all that but all of us know we don't need them and it's just a way to get really drunk really fast without actually enjoying any of it. Also, I'd like to not completely black out tonight."

"You know sometimes you're pretty lame," Sam playfully nudged Blaine, knowing Blaine would take the comment as a joke.

Of course, Blaine didn't mind Sam's teasing. He found it sort of endearing. "Laugh all you want now but we have the whole weekend to go crazy and do fun things. We don't want to end up being so hungover tomorrow that we can't take advantage of the gorgeous weather. We still want to go to the beach." Blaine knew the beach comment would convince both of them of his strict rule; all three of them had been looking forward to spending a day at the lake for over a month. To prove Blaine's point, both Tina and Sam nodded along, signaling that Blaine could continue with his rules. "Rule number three: we all put our phones in a drawer and don't touch them until the morning. I know none of us want to wake up to our parents or friends getting mad at us because of drunk texts."

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