Chapter 11

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Rezrath and I sneak out of the room, the hallway empty of guards. Rezrath leads the way to the dungeon, the winding hallways becoming darker and more barren. However, before we make it to the dungeon's entrance, we encounter two guards. The two shout out, and we attack. All of the sword fighting lessons that Peterkin gave to me flood my memory, as I parry and strike strategically, and eventually knock the demon down- though he almost immediately gets back up.

They're impervious to human metals, dummy. A voice shouts at me in my head. I keep my composure as I secretly scan the hall. There was a massive tapestry, and two spears hanging decoratively on the wall. I prayed to the gods that the spear was obsidian, and rolled over to the wall- and the guard followed. I pulled the tapestry down and wrapped it around him- disorienting the demon while I grabbed the spear down from the wall. I chucked it at his writhing form, and it pierced the tapestry. I ran over to the still-covered guard, forcing the spear farther into his skin. Soon, his movement stopped, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked over to Rezrath, and he was staring at me adoringly, the other guard lying dead at his feet.

"That was hot," he breathed, biting his lip, "you're amazing."

I blush bright pink, smiling lightly, "Thanks, love," I reply, pressing my thighs together in an attempt to stop the heat radiating from my center.

Rezrath noticed my movements, and his dark pupils grew large, and he breathed harshly out through his nose.

"Sweetheart, if you keep this up..." Rezrath growled warningly.

I smirked quietly as I grabbed the other spear, sheathing my sword, "Maybe after we rescue my brother, if you behave, dear," I teased, walking past him as I wink and bite my lip.

I hear Rezrath growl out a 'fine,' and he runs to catch up to me.

"You're quite the seductress, Briar dearest," he whispers to me, "but you won't be so daring when I have you under me."

My breath catches in my throat, and Rezrath hears the hitch in my breathing and smirks wickedly, "Two can play your game, love."

I blush but say nothing, my mind filled with unholy images of the two of us. I shake my head in an attempt to rid myself of the dirty thoughts, but they do not cease.

We make our way to a stairwell, and begin our descent into the dungeon. Halfway down, we encounter more guards- approximately five of them.  When Rezrath and I begin to fight back, we are surrounded by more, coming from above us. Someone must've heard the prior two guards' shouts, and brought in the cavalry.

Rezrath and I fought back as best we could against the myriad of guards, but we were eventually overwhelmed.

"What should we do with em' cap'n?" One guard asked,

"How 'bout we take the pretty lady to our chambers, eh?" another commented, his yellow eyes looking me over, and his dark grimy hand goes to cup my face.

Rezrath growled territorially, and the other guards laughed, but the laughter stopped after I bit the gross creature's hand.

The yellow-eyed guard hissed in pain, his alternate hand holding his now-wounded one; small traces of black fluid covering his hand.

"Fucking bitch," one of the other guards muttered, before I felt the strong singing sensation of his slap.

"Don't fucking touch her," Rezrath shouted, but his protests were met with laughter and a kick in the ribs.

"Okay fellas," the presumed captain said, "let's take em' to Lord Migmoder and Lord Kor'geden, they'll get a kick outta this."

The guards' laughter grew again as Rezrath and I were dragged away to the throne room.

(Count: 634)

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