CHAPTER 13- The Hunter

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"Are you alright?" I asked Annabeth, wiping away the last of her tears.

She nodded her head and took her cloak. "Let's go back down."

"Yeah. Okay." I said and helped her up.

We got downstairs just in time to hear the pounding on the door.

Everyone pulled their hoods up, except of course Annabeth who still had her cloak slung loosely over an arm. I did a head count to make sure everyone was still here but of course, they weren't. Luke wasn't here. He was still probably somewhere, maybe drinking too much coffee in the kitchen secretly.

"Open up!" A voice screamed from the other side of the door, followed by a fist thumping on the wood. And lemme tell you now, that voice was really, really familiar. "Open the door. I don't care who you are but you don't let me in right now, I will bust this door into splinters and mash your heads-"

Annabeth smiled a little and walked over to open the door. "Hey Thals."

"Have you been crying!?" Thalia demanded at once. "Annie..." She wrapped her in a huge hug. When she let go, she stared at all of my friends in turn. "Who did this?" She asked viciously in a soft tone, slinging the bow off her shoulders and threading an arrow into it.

Annabeth laughed. "Thalia. They're my friends."

Thalia narrowed her eyes at Silena and then at Beckendorf. She continued to scrutinise every one of them before finally letting her bow fall limp in her hands and facing Annabeth again worriedly, her expression suddenly softening. "I heard that Ariel was gone?"

Annabeth smiled softly and a tear fell down her cheek. "I- I saw her." She muttered looking at me for the slightest second.

"Where?" Silena asked immediately?

"I-" Annabeth started, but Luke chose that moment to stroll in happily from the kitchen, his hood down munching on some m&ms.

"Mm. These are good. Better than skittles. I can't even comprehend the beauty and the delicacy in-" his jaw dropped open when he saw Thalia. Her own face wasn't much different. The bow dropped onto the floor with a big clatter.

Luke's eyes flew at me, where I was still standing at the very bottom of the staircase. "Please tell me my hood is up." He whispered in panic.

I had to resist the urge of face palming right there and then. So much for been under cover.

"It's not." He said.

Thalia walked over slowly to him and stood I front of him. "Luke?" She croaked out.

He chuckled nervously. "Hey. Th-tha-tha-tha-"

"Oh gods. What the fish sticks." Thalia muttered, her words barely coherent.

Then someone started squealing in my head. Silena. Yeah, you see. We could visit each other's minds and talk there. Creepy, I know.

"Oh my gosh!" She said. "They're so freaking cute! Thaluke!"

Bianca, Beckandorf and Zoe cupped their hands to their ears. Luke scowled at Silena. Looks like she had been talking to all of them as well

"Silena, shut up." I said.

"Sheesh Percy. Half your mind is a forest full of seaweed. Literally. And the other half! Oh my gods! Annabeth! So cute!" Silena gushed. "Now, what were we talking about? Ah yes. Thaluke. So cute! Yeek!"

Sometimes, she could be seriously annoying.

Thalia poked Luke's face. "Did you feel that?" She asked him.

"Uh...yeah?" Luke said.

"Good." Thalia said and started to punch over and over and over and over and over, all the while screaming profanities at him, gouging about broken promises and family.

Luke just stood there. His Achilles curse was still there to some extent. But he wouldn't die if someone stabbed him on the spot softly. It only protected him against small things though.

When she finally finished, she stood there breathlessly. She chocked out a laugh and there herself at him in a hug. Luke was caught by surprise and bonked his head on the wall, but quickly hugged her back, muttering about how sorry he was.


"Whoa whoa whoa! Backtrack a bit." Luke shouted.

Annabeth and I had just explained what had happened upstairs to the rest of the army and Thalia of whom we'd asked to keep our identities a secret. Yes, Silena, Beckandorf, Zoe and Bianca revealed themselves to her too. What else where they supposed to do. I didn't. But she kept looking over at me, trying to guess who I was. We had updated Thalia on everything that had happened from us coming here to Annabeth's recruition.

When we told them what happened in the vision, the only thing we let out was the fact that Ariel was Annabeth's and Percy's daughter. I had a feeling, Annabeth wasn't ready to reveal that bit of information just yet.

"Ariel is in another planet." I explained as if I was talking to a three year old.

"Whoa." Luke said.

"And she's older." Beckendorf said.

"There's only one galaxy that controls time." Silena said.

"Yep." Zoe said with a smile.

Thalia gaped at her.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"You said yep."

The former lieutenant of Artemis pointed an accusing finger at me. I smiled crookedly.

"So we're just gonna go there?" Bianca asked.

Luke raised a hand and jiggled it in the air like a pre schooler.

I sighed. "Yes, Luke?"

"How do we get there?"

I smiled. "I know someone who is an expert in machinery."


Yeah. This was kinda a filler thingy. I dunno. It was pretty sucky though. And ohmigods! I'm freaking out! I was a reading a book of awesome oneshots and then the author suddenly started reading my story! Yeek! @theprophecyofthe7 you are awesome. I'm not allowed to comment on other stories so I'll say it here. It's awesome!!! And I can't wait to read your own Chaos story!

And now,

It's raining here and I'm sick and I just went outside and sprayed water everywhere on the balcony saying YOLO using my brother's water gun now I'll probably get even sicker. Oh well. A daughter of Poseidon's gotta do what a daughter of Poseidon's gotta do. ^.^

Well then...Byeeeeeeeeee! See ya!

And if any of you wanna dedication, you know what to do. Comment something random in this line. I'd be happy to give you one. 🙉

See you!

If you have ideas, they're also welcome.

Percy Jackson, Chaos CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now