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So I'm a huge fan of Creepypastas. I figured I'd write my own fanfiction here. This story will have three parts... and yes, each part is going to be rather long. Good thing the mobile Wattpad app saves your last spot where you stopped reading. I use astericks [***] as scene changers. Just as a warning... this story contains MATURE content. T'was the reason I rated it "R". It has strong language, sensual scenes, and ALOT of violence. Consider you little kitties warned!

I also don't own any of the Creepypasta characters, nor do I own their individual stories. I do however own Max Rivers and her character as well as the originial plots and ideas in this novel. I tried to follow each character's story as best as I could... I did tweak a few things just to keep it interesting and kind of make it my own. So don't get mad when their stories aren't down to the "T" exactly how they're normally told. I tried to make it my own as best as I could just for fun.

This story is for enjoyment! Don't think into it so much [alll you fan girls out there]. Just enjoy!

Comments are always welcomed. Just be respectful.

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