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christmas day had finally arrived and the jung household was packed. yoongi's family has been invited to spend christmas with the jung's so that yoongi and hoseok could spend their time together.

with so many kids in the house, it was a lot to handle but it was also a lot of fun. they were opening presents one by one, starting with the youngest.

haneul has opened his presents first, getting things ranging from toy cars to lego's. "thank you, mommy and daddy!" he says happily. yoongi brings out a seperate present from the kitchen. "this is also for you, han." yoongi says, bending down to the boys level.

he gasps and rips the wrapping paper off of the box. he giggles and claps when he sees what was inside of the box. the box was a kumamon plushie that the boy hugged tightly whenever he got it out of the box.

he and yoongi had a cute bond with kumamon. when haneul was sitting on yoongi's lap one day he saw the mascot and began laughing, claiming it looked funny. ever since then, he's been obsessed with the japanese mascot.

he goes and gives yoongi a big hug. "thank you, yoonie!" he exclaims, smiling widely. yoongi smiles his gummy smile at the boy. "you're so welcome." he replies, going back to sit on the couch next to hoseok. it was then haru's turn to open her presents.

she opened quite a lot, most of them being art supplies or something surrounding art. she has found art as her calling, the girl being gifted with painting skills. she once painted hoseok and it honestly looked like it was real. she had smiled when she saw the certain paint brushes she had been wanting for awhile.

"thank you, mom and dad." she says, putting the brushes in a little pouch next to her. her mom smiles and giggles. "that was actually from yoongi." she says. haru looks and yoongi and smiles, hugging the boy. "thank you." she says, the boy smiling. "no problem." he says.

it was then hyunae and yisoo's turn to open their presents, considering they were both the same age. a lot of hyunae's presents consisted of clothes and jewelry she had been begging for. she saw a small box and read who it was from. 'from grandpa;)' she giggles, knowing it's from yoongi.

when she first met yoongi, she didn't like the boy. she claimed he was too dark and mysterious and called him grandpa. when yoongi first heard it, he was a bit worried. he then decided to have fun with it, calling himself grandpa whenever he was around her, helping her like him more. and now the two are as close as ever.

she takes the wrapping paper off of the box and opens it, revealing a ring. she gasps and begins crying happy tears. she had been wanting the ring for awhile, she had just never got around to buying it. yoongi had gone out of his way to buy it for the girl, knowing she would be disappointed if she didn't get it.

most of yisoo's gifts were lots of clothes as well, also getting some baseball stuff. unlike his brother, he played baseball and he was pretty good at it. he was the starting pitcher for the high school team. hoseok had actually chipped in on a surprise for the boy and got a signature from one of the boys favorite baseball stars.

the younger boy say the signature and gasped. "oh my god. how did you?" he asks hoseok. hoseok laughs and shrugs. "i know people." he says. yisoo goes and hugs the boy in a "bro hug" before putting the jersey back in the bag.

jungkook then opened his presents, which were mostly clothes and electronic things. he smiled at the families who both got him things. "thank you guys. you really didn't have to." he said. mrs. jung shakes her head. "you're part of our family now, of course we did." she says, jungkook hugging her.

hoseok and yoongi then opened their gifts. they left the last presents form each other to open after everything else. hoseok's family, jungkook included, watches excitedly as the boys open their presents.

"open it on 3, alright?" yoongi says, hoseok nodding in response. "3, 2, 1." yoongi says as the boys throw the wrapping paper all over the large living room. they open the box's and gasp. they look at each other and giggle happily. "oh my god." yoongi says.

"what is it?" hyunae asked. the boy showed their families what what inside of the box. there were bracelets with a long metal piece that had the date they got together on it. the two families gasp in reaction, jungkook smirking.

"who was that from?" mrs. min asks. the boys shrug. "there wasn't a name on the box's." hoseok says. jungkook chuckles and raises his hand. "it was me." he says. the boys look up and smile. they both get up and hug the boy tightly. "thank you, kook." yoongi says.

the group stay in that position, both moms of the boys snapping pictures of the memorable moment. the boys pull apart and sit back down. afterwards, the families bonded over food and jokes for the rest of the day.

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