New Friends??

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Hey guys, I'm putting two new charactersin this chapter. Hope you enjoy

Hero:Ian! Ian!

Ian:Not again.What?!

Hero:Get up!!!!!!!!!!

Ian:I'm up seriously you have to shout until I am deaf?



Hero:Get up!!!!!!!!!!


Hero:come down in five minutes

Time skips to 5 minutes.



Hero:come on this time is going to be fun it's potion!!!

Ian:*half excited*

Hero:hears digging sound. Huh?


Hero:I hear digging sound.

Ian:Someone breaking in?

Hero:i will check

He follows the digging sound to his throne room

Hero:what the??

They dig up and saw Hero facing them

??:Uh oh.

??:we are screwed

Hero:what the f**k are you dong in here?!


Hero:You are so screwed!!!!!

Ian burst in the door

Ian:what in the world is going in here?!

Hero:caught them for stealing

Ian:that's not good

??:who is this?

Hero:Not your concern

??:come on i wanna know

Hero:Hey! I caught you for stealing and you want answers??!!

??:so what are you gonna do to us

Hero:I don't know put you in jail maybe.

??:come on we are like the only ones that isn't afraid of you


??:don't put us in jail please.

Hero:Don't tell me that

??:please what ya want??

Hero:Dare to ask


Hero:Half freedom jail

??:what does that mean?

Hero:one man will always be watching you


Ian:are you guys done yet?? it's been three hours

Hero:Oh god


Hero:What was that?


Hero:Do you agree?



Hero:Ian take those two to your room keep them entertaint until i call you


Time skips to Ian's room

Ian:So why did you come here for?

??:Not your concern

Ian:Fine when do you want to talk about it?

??:Until I trust you

Ian:How long will that be?

??:2 months






Hero:Come down with those two

Ian:Alright get going

Megan:Are you a family or some sort?

Ian:Why should I tell? You never told me why you are here


Dining Room

Hero:Why are you here?

Megan:Stealing didn't i told you before?

Hero:I don't believe it there is nothing to steal here. So how bout you tell me the truth huh!!!

Megan:You don't want to hear it

Hero:Yes, I do



Megan:We were sent by Notch

So cliffhanger again but it ain't epic so i will stop here took me forever to write.Anyways guys i hope you have enjoyed reading my story and remember to comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!

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