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You guys forced me to update. Thanks for 1.16K Reads guys I love you all!!!  Alright get on with the story shall we??



Hero:What the nether?!?!

Megan:Told you don't want to hear it

Hero:Forget that. Sent you for what?

Megan:You don't want to hear it again.

Hero:Say it!

Megan:OK fine. Spy on Ian.

Hero:What for?

Megan:See what you are planning to do with him.

Ian:Haha. You are so dumb.


Ian: You told us everything and now you failed it. Haha.

Megan:We told you because you were nice and that guy*points at Hero* works with you so we told you at some point.

Ian:You don't even know me

Megan:Heh you are cute.

Ian:*blushes* You don't mean it do you?


Hero:Stop it you two!

Megan:Now what?

Hero:Well you think Ian is cute he is going to be your watcher.

Megan:Oh come on. I don't really mean it

Hero:Whatever it's settled. Ian bring those two to your room. Here *toss two bed to Ian*

Ian:Thanks for dinner

Hero:Yeah yeah happy knowing each other.

Ian:Whatever let's get going.

*Time skips to Ian's room*

Ian:Here*toss bed to Megan and Xavier* place your bed anywhere you like.


*Time skips to tomorrow morning*



Hero:Oh you got up early today.


Hero:Call those two and come down for breakfast!


*After breakfast*

Hero:Ian! Training!

Ian:Yeah whatever!

Hero:No day off because of those two!

Ian:Alright what now?



End of chapter next chapter will start after training

A/N Help me! You guys forced me to update by voting and it's 11:45pm my time if I don't get enough sleep it's your fault. Just jokiing with ya! Anyways hope you enjoy remember to force me to update by voting! Lol!

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