There's three boys huddled in the corridor when I get there. I instantly recognise Niall from the flight; the same blue jeans and brown shirt hidden in the sea of people. Liam is there too, his heavily tattooed arms wrapped around Niall and the other boy. I try to see who the other is, but he's practically swamped by the other two. I cough subtly to get their attention.
Liam launches himself at me. I'm at least two inches taller and probably heavier, but he grabs me around the waist and picks me up anyway. My legs dangle just off the floor, and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Put me down!" I protested playfully, smacking his back. He loosens his grip and I slide down his front. I take him by the shoulders, which are broader than last time I saw him. "How are you?"
"I'm good, man." He bounces his head. "What about you?"
"I'm a bit nervous, but apart from that I'm good."
"Yeah man, I think we all are."
I shake my head at him, and roll my eyes. He's a bit slow sometimes.
I look over his shoulder and, leant against the wall, stands Zayn. I take a deep breath and walked over to him.
"I - " I start to speak.
He interrupts me by pulling me into his arms. His arms go over my shoulders and I feel tension leave his body. I slip my arms in around his waist and hold him tight. I can feel his heart racing under his jumper, and I rub his back in attempt to slow it down.
"Are you sure you're okay doing this?" I whisper into his hair.
"I don't know, bro. I'm going to go for it but I've told my girlfriend - you remember Gigi? - that I'm leaving if it gets too much." He whispers back. "She said she'll come and get me." He looks me dead in the eyes.
"I'm always here to talk to," I reassure him, though I'm not convinced that it will help.
Our moment is broken by Niall and Liam, who suggest we go down to the hotel pool, and telling us that work doesn't start for a few days. Zayn and I look at each other and I nod and flash him a small smirk. A smile creeps over his face and we follow the boys down the corridor.
We stop at the gift shop to get swimming gear, as none of us thought to bring them, and venture to the pool.
As we walk in, I have to physically restrain myself from letting my jaw drop open. The pool is beautifully clear. Mosaic dolphins take up the bottom, surrounded by a ring of blue stones. Pink loungers line the water, which would give you a great view of the pink and green tiled ceiling. Floor to ceiling windows look out over vast gardens, and there's a water feature in the middle of the main lawn.
"Yeah man!" Niall hollers, making the first move by dropping his towel on a seat and going to find the changing rooms. Liam quickly follows, as well as Zayn. I trot after them, but not before taking in the charming room.
When I return, the boys are already in the pool, disturbing the tranquil water, surrounded by ripples. I jump in after them, laughing. The scene reminds me of our time in the band, and I am filled with nostalgia. As much as I wish we weren't reuniting, it does feel good to be back with the boys. I think I missed them more than I realised. Niall disrupts my thoughts by spraying me with cool water. I look over to him and it's like a juvenile playfulness has come back to him because he is around us. His quiff is now permanently flattened and his bright blue eyes pierce my own. I slap my own tattooed hands down in the water, spraying not just Niall, but drenching Liam, and catching Zayn too.
"Get there you little shit!" He shouts, diving into a front crawl and chases after me.
It's not until we go to dinner later that I properly realise Louis is missing. I'm looking around the table in the darkened restaurant when I feel like a voice is lost from the conversation.
"Hey guys, where's Louis?"
"He got a later flight. We couldn't get him one for this morning so he's coming the day after next."
I recognise the voice from the phone and look down the table. A pair of dull grey eyes meet mine and I assume they belong to Lizzie. I throw her an annoyed look complete with furrowed eyebrows and look by down at my food. I'm pushing a stray vegetable around my plate when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over and it's Zayn.
"You okay, bro?" He asks in a low voice.
"Yeah, don't worry. It's just weird without Lou here."
"I thought you said you were nervous to see him."
"I am. But I feel like he should be here because the rest of us are."
"It's okay. He'll be here and it'll be like old times," He nods at me and I feel his hand on my back. "Don't worry about it." He gives me a smile before pulling his phone out of his pocket.
We finish the meal and go up to the corridor booked by management. We go to the communal room at the end of the hall and Niall picks up the televison remote from a glass table. Liam instantly pounces on him, insisting that he's not going to be watching golf on their first day back as a band. I watch the boys westle, giggling, but Liam is a lot more muscular than he used to be and Niall is quickly forced to surrender the buttons. Liam choses some music awards show and flops down on one of the many sofas. Zayn and I follow, with Niall trailing behind us in defeat.
"Why are we all on the same sofa?" Zayn laughs, "Hate to break it to you but aren't all going to fit anymore."
I scoff, "We could move over, I guess."
I haul Zayn off the sofa and onto the one next to it, hoping to get a conversation in with him before we go to bed.
"How are you, really?" I ask, wanting to know where he actually stands.
"I'm alright," He bows his head. "The past few years have been difficult, especially right after I left the band, but I'm doing better now. I've got Gi and she's amazing, honestly, and I think you'd really like her."
I grab hold of his arm, squeezing it. We sit close and watch television just like we used to.
I hope you're enjoying! Comment, like and add to you reading list if you are. I'll dedicate my next parts to people who do :)
Treat people with kindness. Kat. x

About Time // Larry Stylinson
Romance[COMPLETED] Ex-boyfriends Harry and Louis have lived separate lives since the split of the former band, One Direction. But when the band reunites, how will they feel about being in the same room again for the first time in years? [highest ranking] ...