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(A/N: I cried so hard while writing this)

Bella's heart plummeted to her feet within seconds and shattered into a million pieces as she watched the fire billow out of the windows.

"No," she whispered, before moving to run.

"Bella, no!" Quinton grabbed her sleeve and pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Let me go Quinton!" She sobbed, thrashing in his grip. I need to save him. Her throat tightened and her breaths became short as she fought against the boy's tight hold.

"It's too dangerous Bella," He spoke sadly, pulling her tighter against his chest. His eyes clenched shut as he listened to her gut-wrenching sobs, her whole body trembling as grief poured out of her.

At this point, many people had gathered around, hands clasped over their mouths as a some people called 911.

After a few minutes, Bella finally gave up fighting, and her knees gave out as she collapsed against the boy holding her up. He gently turned her in his arms and sat on the pavement as she buried her face in his neck. Tears spilled over her cheeks and onto his collar while she mumbled incoherent things quietly.

"Why couldn't I save him," she choked, twisting Quinton's sweatshirt in her hands. He looked down at her with heart-broken eyes.

Just two hours earlier he had been messing with her in Physics, her anger and hatred towards him flaring up as usual. But now here they were; Bella wrapped in his arms of her bully, sobs wracking through her body as she tried to grasp the thought of never seeing her best friend again.

"Why didn't I just wait in the car. I told him to stay in the fucking car!" She bawled, pounding her fists against Quinton's chest; he just held onto her tighter. Her eyes were now blotchy and swollen and her throat was scratchy from screaming.

"Bella, you gotta stop talking babygirl. You're gonna hurt yourself if you scream anymore," he whispered into her hair. She shook her head in response.

"I don't give a fuck about what h-happens to me. Don't you get it Quinton? M-my best f-friend is dead! I'm never g-gonna get to see him smile ag-gain, or hear his stupid jok-kes. I'm not gonna get to g-go to his wedding or graduate high sc-chool with him," she paused as a sob tore through her body. "I d-didn't get to tell him I l-love him today or say goodb-bye. We've been together since pre-school, and n-now he's gone. I'm never gonna see him ag-gain." Her voice had gone hoarse, making her next realization even more heart-wrenching to hear, "He was all I h-had left, and now h-he's gone." She looked up at Quinton with bloodshot and puffy eyes before quickly looking at her lap. "I didn't realize that yesterday would be our last hug. Or that my last words to him would be to not hurt you and to stay in the car. If I‌ would've just let him get out of the fucking car."

Sirens pierced the air as emergency vehicles arrived, fire trucks first. She paused for a second, letting her tears fall as she shifted her gaze back to Quinton's eyes. "Quinton?" She spoke softly, voice cracking from the abuse it had gone through.

He hummed in response. "C-can you take me home?" She asked softly, biting her lip to keep from breaking down again.

"Of course." He slowly stood up, pulling Bella with him as she told him her address quietly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and guided her away from the fire filled car. Away from her best friend.

Once they were in Quinton's car, everything was silent. Bella had stopped crying but instead she was just staring off into space.

"Bella? You still with me sweetheart?" He questioned, rubbing her shoulder before putting the key in the ignition. Her eyes were glazed over, and she just hummed. "Bella. Talk to me. Can you show me where your house is?" Quinton tried to distract her any way he possibly could; he knew how badly she was hurting if she was in a trance like this. Nothing seemed to work, but as soon as he turned the key to start the engine, she snapped back to reality.

She quickly placed her hand on Quinton's. He realized what had happened and looked at her sadly. "Your safe babygirl. I promise. Nothing's going to happen," he spoke softly before gently moving her hand.

The ride to Bella's house was silent. She stared at her lap the whole duration of the drive and refused to answer to anything Quinton said. He kept glancing between her figure and the road worriedly, replaying her heart-wrenching cries in his head. He continued doing so until they reached her house.

"Bella. We're here," he called softly, waiting for a response.

"Okay. Can you walk me in?" Her voice surprised him. It wasn't shaky or sad, it was completely calm. His heart sank at the realization that this was her way of coping with the pain she was feeling. Instead of crying like she had been, she was now blocking out all emotions, which honestly scared Quinton more than he would like to admit.

"Sure," he agreed before walking over and opening her door to let her out.

He led her silently to her front door before pausing and knocking. A middle-aged man answered, obviously drunk. He gave Quinton bad vibes, but he couldn't figure out exactly why. A lot of parents drink, so why did Bella's dad seem so off to him?

"Bella," the man spoke roughly, not caring about the tear stains on his daughter's cheeks. "Where have you been? You were supposed to have been home an hour ago!" He continued, slowly increasing in volume. "And who the fuck are you?" He now addressed Quinton, who stepped in front of Bella instinctively.

"Quinton Griggs. Sir, I'm sorry to tell you, but Bella's friend Asher passed away in an accident around an hour ago. That's why she was late. Would you mind if I come in with her? She shouldn't be alone right now," the teenage boy spoke confidently, not wanting to leave Bella alone in this state with her drunken father.

"Ha. That bitch Asher?" Her father's words cut through the air like a knife. Quinton froze, blood starting to boil from that response.

"Yes. Although I don't think you should say that sir. Bella isn't in the best mental state right now," the boy said, biting back all of the words he wanted to scream at this so called "father" in front of him.

"Well yeah I suppose she isn't... but then again, I don't really care. Bella, come in. Now. And boy, you get off my porch," the man growled, before grabbing his daughter's arm roughly, yanking her inside, and slamming the door.

Quinton had never wanted to punch someone more in his entire life.


I've never written such an emotionally charged chapter like this... and when I tell you I sobbed... I SOBBBBBEDDDDDD. Also, kinda wanna whack Bella's dad with a cold hotdog... or a frying pan... or a machete... ya know what, it's fine! We can all kill him together! As always, vote and comment for chapter 4!

-Morgs <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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