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Disclaimer: I had no idea what school to put, so I just made up a random name!

Bella shut her locker quickly and slung her bag over her shoulder. She had just gotten out of Pre-Cal and let's just say she didn't do so hot, so she was in a pretty bad mood. All of the students at Fairdale High slowly started making their way out of the school. It was the end of the day, so Bella was stuck waiting for her best friend, Asher, to meet and take her home. 

After five minutes, Bella looked at the hallway clock annoyed and mumbled, "Asher, where are you?"

"Bella Carter... what a coincidence seeing you here." The voice came from behind her and she jumped slightly, startled by the abruptness. She rolled her eyes after realizing who it was.

"Quinton. You know I always wait for Asher. Now frick off."

"Bella," he said warningly, approaching her slowly and stopping only when he was a few inches from her face. Her breath was heavy, and she glanced nervously back and forth between his eyes. "That wasn't very nice," he whispered, brushing his fingers across her cheekbone. Most people would take this as cute, and a sign that they're dating. But no. Quinton Griggs does this with every girl he bullies. Everyone calls it his "Quinston style." It's a horrible name, but he didn't try to change it, so it just caught on.

"Get off me. I have to go find Asher," she grumbled before pushing him back by his shoulders. His demeanor changed and his face dropped automatically. He grabbed her arms within seconds and shoved her back against the lockers. She subtly winced in pain before quickly bringing her knee up between his legs, making him drop to the floor in pain. This was her chance. She took off running towards the front office doors, which led out to the parking lot. Suddenly, she ran into a wall. Well, a boy.

"Asher!" Bella breathed, before wrapping her arms around his middle. He chuckled and patted her head before hugging back.

"What's got you all excited Bells?"

She smiled at the nickname before looking up at him. "Quinton," she spoke shortly, rolling her eyes.

"Griggs again? I'll beat that piece o-"

"Ash!! It's fine. I can handle myself. Are you ready to go?" Bella reassured, before grabbing his hand to pull him to the door.

"Yeah yeah, let's go. You can't come over today though. I have a math project for Gill's class," he responded, pouting.

"Oh... ok that's fine, I need to get some homework done anyways." Bella said, masking her disappointment with a shy smile as they started walking. Asher saw straight through it and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry baby. How're things at home?" He asked, gently kissing her head.

She shifted her gaze to the ground and shrunk further into his side. "Um, the same I guess? My dad hasn't been home that much, so nothing's happened for a week or so." Although Bella wouldn't admit it to anyone except Asher, her dad was very verbally abusive. Her mom had died when she was six, and that triggered something in her father which brought a toxic aspect to his personality which still occurred every time he was home.

Asher had told her multiple times to tell someone, and had wanted to tell someone himself; however, she was positive that it wouldn't help because they didn't have any evidence. It was much different than physical abuse which left marks. Verbal abuse left marks, but they weren't marks anyone could see or use for evidence. So if they did tell anyone, she was convinced her father would just become more abusive and it would do more bad than good.

"Well, I love you," Asher whispered, as they made it to his car in the parking lot. Bella grinned.

"I love you too idiot," she replied before walking to the passenger side and getting in.

The ride to Bella's house was very uneventful, and soon she was on her bed scrolling through Instagram.

After an hour or so, she came across a familiar familiar face and paused.

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"Since when is Quinton famous?" Bella whispered to herself before tapping on his account. "500 thousand followers!?" She exclaimed, jaw dropping automatically. Who would follow that jerk? She thought to herself. After scrolling through his account, she saw many comments that went against what she believed completely. 'Aweeee he's so adorable!' or 'You look so sweet!!' The Quinton she knew was none of these things. He was a decent looking guy she'll admit, but he wasn't sweet or amazing. He had been bullying her since 4th grade, and these people were worshipping him like he was God himself!

Bella threw herself back on her bed and locked her phone. Why can't he just be nice to me? I haven't done anything to him!! She thought to herself, eyes welling with tears. Since she was six, she had been told that she was worthless and pathetic. That she wasn't worthy of being loved. School was the only place she could go to get away from all of that, and then Quinton came in 4th grade and shattered that feeling. Now everywhere she went, she was constantly being reminded of how no one wanted her. Well, everyone except Asher.

Asher was her rock. They had been best friends since pre-school, and Bella had never come anywhere near to being as close with someone as she was with him. Frankly, she knew she would never have anyone else like him. She didn't know what she would do if she lost Asher.


Thanks for reading you guys! I really hoped you liked the first part, sorry if it's boring at first! Like and comment if you want a part 2!

-Morgs <3

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