Part 1

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Chapter 1, Maddie:

Hi I'm Maddie Dean, I'm 23, a model, a youtuber (2.3 million subs), and I live in Cali with my boyfriend Mark. When me and Mark first started dating 2 years ago, he was very humble towards me. But a year ago he started getting aggressive and abusive. I always think about breaking up with him but I'm scared of what he'll do to me. A few months ago we had an argument about him not being home a lot. He would go out at like 8pm and would come home at like 7am, sometimes he would be gone for days. The big fight escalated, he had a knife in his hand, and he pulled it up to my neck. He threatened me saying that if I keep making this a big deal then he'll hurt me. Sometimes I start crying nonstop and would try to hurt myself. Anyways, Mark said for me to get dressed in something hot because we're going out ( to the club ), well, not said more like ordered. The club was filled with people, lots of people. The first 5 minutes we got there, Mark warned that if I don't 'behave' he's going to hurt me. I nodded in fear hoping that I'll survive the night. 45 minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I asked this cute guy who was sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. "Hey, do you know where the bathrooms are?", I asked him. "Yeah, here I'll show you", he said while standing up and showing me where the bathroom was. "Thanks", I said while looking back at him. Once I was finished doing my business in the bathroom, I was thinking about that cute guy. I found my way out of the bathroom to the bar section of the club. I sat down next to the cute guy that led me to the bathroom before. He had light brown hair, greenish-blueish eyes, and a great smile. He didn't notice when I sat next to him because he was still scrolling and tapping on his phone. I ordered a drink, and he finally looked up from his phone to see me looking at the crowd of people dancing. He finally started a conversation. "So are you a crazy party person?", he asked me while putting his phone down and trying to make eye-contact with me. "No, this actually my third time, my boyfriend is a clubber", I said while playing with my drink glass. "You know you don't look like the type of person who would club, you're better than that, because people who are as pretty as you make better decisions than being here", he said while facing his body towards me. "Are you this sweet towards girls all the time?", I said in a flirtatious way and smiled at him. "No not all the time", he said. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately knew who it was, it was Mark. "Why are you talking to my girlfriend bro?" Mark said while looking pissed off. "Mark, don't start this now", I said while looking at him. "You can't tell me what I can or can't do", he said aggressively while his breath smelled like liquor. "Hey! Don't talk to her like that, man", the cute man said. "Stay out of this, it's none of your business, just let me and my girlfriend talk", Mark said while looking angry. "Mark I'm done with you treating me like crap, I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore okay, we're over", I said while looking at him. I tried to walk away and then I felt his hand grab my wrist. He pulled me towards him painfully. I pulled away as hard as I could and began to walk away again. But then he grabbed me by the arm, pulled me back to him, slapped me across his face, and then he said, "You're not leaving me, you're mine". Then behind him I saw the cute guy get out of his seat and walked up behind Mark and tapped him on his shoulder. 

Authors note: thank for whoever is reading this, I felt like the last story was really boring and going to fast so in this one we take thing a little bit slower. Oh, and there's more to this continue on to the nest part to find out what happens next!

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