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After a slightly awkward breakfast, David and Nico get out of the house, walking down the road to school with David back to his normal self, talking non-stop about aliens, he seems to have a really soft spot for them. Nico answers any questions David asks him, still thinking about his dream. It's strange for him as he's had his fair share of weird dreams before but this one was just....different from the rest. He isn't sure why, though. Probably because he can't remember a single thing from it except chains.

"Hey, Nico, are you okay?" Nico looks up to see David standing in front of him.

"Sure I am, why're you asking?"

"Nothing, it's seem to be a bit spaced out. You haven't answered any of my questions for 5 minutes." Nico chuckles nervously.

"Oh...sorry about that. What were you asking?" David switches back to full nerd mode.

"So, you know about how people have said they've seen aliens, right? Well, I've been thinking....there's too many people who've claimed to seen them for it to be all fake, right?"


"So does that mean that perhaps...just perhaps...."Nico could see the sparkle in David's eyes. ".....That maybe aliens do exist? I mean, I bet they do, its just-"

"Aliens do exist." David looks at Nico in surprise. Nico just continues to speak, as if reciting a poem, his eyes glowing a light blue. "Ghosts exist. Aliens exist. Many of the things you've heard about in old folktales and those internet forums are real, though the stories do tend to sometimes over exaggerate."

Nico's eyes turn back to their normal color and he looks at David, who's staring at him with a blank look on his face. Nico tries to explain.

"David, I-"

"Do you really believe aliens exist!?" David has the biggest smile Nico has ever seen anyone have.

"Do you really believe aliens exist!?" David has the biggest smile Nico has ever seen anyone have

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He's too pure for this world~(^///^)

"Uh....yeah? Why do you ask-"

"AHHHHHH!!!!" David and Nico jump, the scream seems to have come from further down the road. David grabs Nico's arm and drags him along, Nico struggling to keep up.

"Why didn't you bring your bike today?" David shrugs. "I don't know, didn't feel like it. Besides, it's not as if you could sit on the bike as well, there's no space for that." Nico pouts.

"I bet I could make it work...." David suddenly stops, causing Nico to bump into him from behind. "There he is." David points to a blue skip down the path. And on that skip, sits a boy with his hood up. For some reason Nico gets 'bad boy' vibes from him. David walks over to the skip. "Felix, what's wro-"

 "Felix, what's wro-"

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