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Dinner took place with them all sitting around and chatting about mundane things while it became very apparent to them all that poor Red was the joke of the evening between Ben and Anna. It was too much for Damon. Their closeness affected him badly and he needed to stop it before he exploded.

"Ok now, as much as we don't want ti spoil the evening, we need to know about Gregory."  Damon had had enough of the waiting. It was actually starting to piss him off. He wanted answers. He wanted blood!

Anna started shaking. Ben noticed and immediately put his hand on hers. Her other hand went over Ben's and she looked to the floor with tears in her eyes.

"No. He doesn't own you anymore." Ben's voice was firm and powerful and had Anna nodding.

Damon looked surprised for a moment before squinting his eyes watching the pair. Ben definitely still had control and he didn't like it. Without realising his hands were clenched. He couldn't blame Ben for this situation but he was still pissed that the younger man dared to touch his woman. His temper was soaring and he pushed it where it was needed most, hoping to quell the feelings that raged inside him...  Fuck that fucking Gregory Frazer!

Maxon and Lucas looked at one another. They could both see that Ben's actions affected Damon and she was perfectly confortable with Ben. Damon was a dominant and Anna was his and warning bells rang between the two as they realised the signs were right there; if Ben didn't remove his hand soon then there was a good chance that Damon would punch him. This wasn't good.

"Hey Anna, can you show me where everything is to make coffee?" Lucas tried to diffuse the situation.

"I'll make it." Anna smiled weakly.

"Are you sure? I don't mind.."

"No, it's ok. I'd... I'd prefer to do something else at the moment."

She looked at Damon with almost pleading eyes. He smiled and nodded, glad that she realised who was in charge. She smiled softly in reply and went to the kitchen.

"OK Red, start talking. Please tell us everything you know."

"Has Michael told you anything at all?" Red asked.

"Some, but there has to be more."

For the next few minutes Damon relayed everything that Michael told him about Frazer's treatment of Anna. Minutes that felt like hours to Anna as she listened from the kitchen.  Red and Ben were both intent with hearing every detail as  Ben resting his elbows on his knees while Red scowled. Both would nod ocassionally and on more than one occassion eyebrows were raised. Maxon and Lucas both sat quiet with serious expressions on their faces. None spoke.

Red and Ben waited patiently for Damon to finish and then looked at one another. An unspoken understanding fell between the two and Ben started talking.

"He really told you fuck all."

Damon scowled. Fuck Michael!

"There's so much more, Anna suffered... "Red broke off.

Just at that moment Damon heard the tone of Anna's phone. Fuck! He forgot to keep it with him! He got up quickly and raced into the kitchen to see Anna standing with the phone in her hand. Her whole body was visibly shaking and Damon's heart constricted as he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. One hand held her head while the other held her by the waist.

How? How could he know? She whispered into Damon's chest "He's still watching."

Damon stiffened and reached down to take the phone out of her hand and handed it to Maxon without reading it himself. He needed to hold onto Anna; not just for her sake but for himself.

All eyes but Anna's were on Maxon as he looked at the phone and the sound that came from him was much like a growl before he read the message out loud.

That's a lovely blue shirt you're wearing.

Sharp gasps and exclaims of shock came from all who'd followed Damon as they looked at Annas blue shirt. Lucas raised his angered face to the ceiling before shouting

"You're fucking dead! DO YOU HEAR ME? We're going to fucking bury you! You picked the wrong family to fuck with!"

At that moment the phone went off again and as Maxon finished reading it to himself he cursed "FUCK!"

Damon waited with his body raging with anger "What?"

Tell Anna I'm waiting.

That was when Anna fainted. Damon's hold stopped her from falling and he picked her up bridal style as he looked at Lucas as he headed out of the kitchen.

"Call Steve back. NOW!"

His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now