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Anna watched as Damon choked on the last words of his marriage promises "Till death do us part."

She swallowed as the reality of those words hit closer to home for her at that particular moment as they'd obviously done for him. She smiled softly in reassurance and felt his hand tighten on hers. Then it was her turn to say her vows.

"I, Annalisa Vivian Bradley take you Damon Thomas Price to be my husband. I promise to stand beside you in all aspects of life. I promise to respect you and the person you are. I promise to work with you to overcome all life's trials. I promise to be truthful and always faithful. I promise that no other will take my heart. These vows I promise you for eternity. Till death do is part."

The celebrant started talking again and Anna didn't hear most of what she said. She was too consumed with looking into the gorgeous eyes watching her intently

"... husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Damon smiled as he pulled Anna close "You better believe it!" His lips found hers as her arms snuck around his waist. They were lost in the moment as cheers and whistles echoed the room.

The celebrant coughed diplomatically and said "not quite finished yet. You have certificates and a register to sign."

They broke away from each other and Damon chuckled at the blush he saw on Anna's face as she dropped her head to his chest.

Red took a step back, although she was the maid of honour her agenprevented her from being a witness so Michael stepped up as the second witness with Maxon as the other.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Now that everything's been finalised I would like to introduce you all to Mr and Mrs Damon and Annalisa Price.

Again cheers filled the room as Damon moved his arm from her waist to hold her hand.

"Come with me Mrs Price."

She followed as he pulled her from the room and across the hall into the office. Closing the door he pulled her into his arms again slamming his mouth on hers.

He prompted, urged and encouraged every response she gave him until neither had a choice but to break away gasping for air.

"Anna, I want to add another vow between us only. I promise you that I will wait until you're ready. I'm a very possessive and controlling man but I promise that I will try to curb that side of me. I promise that I will never hurt you physically. I promise... I promise that you will always be the most important person in my life."

Anna reached up a hand to cup his face. "I know. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't believe that one day we would be truly husband and wife"

Damon groaned "You're killing me Beany. If you only knew...."

He broke off as she smiled sadly.

"I didn't think after everything that anyone would want me..."

"Annalisa Price don't say those words ever again. I want you! I need you Beany. I didn't just marry you because your father arranged this. I married you because I wanted to. You're my wife Beany... You're mine."

His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now