Flames and Comfort?

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(A/n): the pic has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter, but I thought it was really cool. I kinda like to imagine this is what Nightmare Castle looks like, lol. Also, all credits go to original artist. ANYWAY, back to the story--

》Nightmare's P.O.V.《

Boiling anger rose inside me, yet I still managed to remain calm to handle the situation.

I'm going to punish Killer when I see him again. Before I'd do that, I'd have to ask him questions.

My anger died down, and I focused on (Y/n), who was still staring at me.

I gently reached out to her, and her eyes went wide. Tears fell down her face, and she crawled back.

"N-no, don't hurt me!" She yelped, tripping over herself. Her hands suddenly glowed a light blue. "Ahh! N-no, hands! S-STOP BEING S-SCARED!" She hissed at herself, glaring at her hands.

I tilted my head, and she looked back at me. She crawled backwards even further from me.

Then, she curled herself in a ball. Fire lit around her like a mini shield, providing protection against any attack.

But I wasn't going to hurt her. I wanted to help her.

She's not scared of you, she's just afraid you'll hurt her, I thought to myself.

I approached her cautiously, and she started trembling.

I reached a hand through the fire shield, and laid a hand on her head; her hair was flowing bright red and yellow like a flame.

"(Y/n)...." I whispered softly. Her reply were little whimpers identical to that of a scared puppy.

"(Y/n)! I'm not going to hurt you," I said, my voice louder, but still soft.

She paused, her movements, and I rest a hand on her hand. Green light appeared, and the wounds from Killer disappeared.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. And then out of nowhere, she sprang and wrapped her arms around me. She also sobbed lightly into my shoulder.

"Wh-why does everyone not want me? Alex didn't want me, my stupid uncle didn't want me...only Ink wanted me! Why did I even leave Ink? He was clearly trying to protect me! And ever since I've ran away from him, I've been attacked by mad skeletons wearing STUPID jackets that don't even fit them!" She paused and blinked. "I almost died twice...but you saved me. Both times. Thank you."

She still clung to me, and was still crying.

I returned her hug, and whispered in her ear. "I'm always going to protect you. Nothing can change that."

For a moment, she didn't reply. But even without words, I could feel her emotions swirling around her like leaves in a tornado.

She was feeling a mixture of positive emotions and negative emotions, which made me feel weak yet stronger at the same time.

When she finally spoke again, it was in a slight whisper.

"...is it because I'm weak and pathetic...?" She asked.

I was shocked at this. And of course, I knew the answer to this.

"No. You aren't. Where did you hear such a thing?" I questioned.

She let go of me to stare into my eye. "From everyone...including Lord Stabby Murder back there," she answered with an adorable frown.

"Well, you should know very well that isn't true...."

I really tried to comfort her because I had no clue how to comfort someone. I really only have blurry memories of comforting my brother when he was afraid of storms and such...

"...why are you being nice to me?"

That was...the question I could not answer. I didn't know how to answer it. I still have to figure it out. Why AM I nice to this human? Maybe it's because we used to be...best friends.

But...she doesn't remember because something happened to make her memories fade of me...

I made up an answer, hoping to cover it over later.

"Because...you're special in a way that makes you shimmer."

Did that sound too feeling-ish? Did I make it obvious that I...find her interesting?

《Your P.O.V.》

That had to be a good thing. Shimmer is a good word because it means shine. I remember my parents telling me something like that...

"(Y/n)! I have a surprise for you!" Shouted Daddy.

I smiled and ran over to him, and he told me to sit on the stool next to his work bench.

"What is it, daddy?" I asked, tilting my head and shaking with excitement.

Daddy smiled with his large grin, holding something in his hands in front of me.

It looked like somesort of stuffed animal rat. It was dark blue, had light blue spots and a rainbow tail.

"Ooo! It's adorable! Where did you get it?" I asked, reaching out to the toy.

Daddy smiled. "Well, I found it in the woods when I was thinking of a new invention. I have a theory that it came from another dimension of some sort," he explained.

Yah, my daddy is an inventor! He makes so many things, like a remote that controls the thoughts of people!

I grinned as he gave me the toy rat. "I'ma name him...(T/n)!" I giggled, hugging the rat.

My dad lifted me from my chair, spinning me in the air.

"That's a wonderful name, my little star! " He chuckled. I giggled again as he put me down.

"Go tell your mother I have a surprise for her too," he whispered with a smirk on his face. I smiled and ran out of the shop, and to my house.

"(Y/n)! You zoned out!" Nightmare said, placing his hands on my face. I blankly looked at him, feeling a mixture of sadness for my lost father and mother, fluttery because of how warm Nightmare's hands were, and emptiness for not being able to save them from the car accident.

"...hey? What's wrong?" Nightmare asked softly, hugging me.

Before I could think of anything to reply, my vision went blank, and I collapsed in Nightmare's arms.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! What in the world...were you thinking about?"

I heard his voice fading as my eyes closed and I completely blacked out.

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