The Book

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(Classic!Sans) p.o.v

The nightmares I've been having since the monsters were freed have been getting worse every night. I don't know where Frisk is, and that flower has no idea either.

A couple months ago, Frisk had disappeared. Before she did, she had said that she kept hearing voices calling for help. When she left, she never came back.

I had told her not to leave, but she had insisted. I have to get her back somehow...I sent Flowey to find her...but he only found traces of where she could be.

"Hey, I found her heart locket, Trashbag. It was near this stupid building...I think it was an Orphanage," he had said.

Orphanage? Ok. That's our first clue. But when we tried to look, there was nothing else...

When we got back, I had made a huge mistake. I found a strange book with weird stuff in it, and there was something in it that said,"trust no one..."

I had fallen asleep...and in my dream, I had made a deal with a strange skeleton in a black and yellow cloak, and nothing feels the same as it was before...

I just want to get Frisk back...

Frisk's P.O.V

Where am I? Everything is...dark and chilly. I'm alone, with only the sense of DETERMINATION.

Why does this all feel like a dream? Can I wake up?
"Why hello there, young human!" Said a voice. I looked everywhere, only to see Sans.

"Sans! What are you doing here?" I asked, wanting to run to him. But when I tried, he got farther and farther away until he disappeared.

Disappointed, I looked down. But to my surprise, the floor swirled yellow and black. The ground opened up, and I fell.

I wanted to scream, but that wouldn't help anything. Nobody would hear me. I landed on a yellow mushroom, and looked ahead of me.

Sans was there. But...something was odd about him. Instead of black, his eye sockets were glowing a bright yellow.

"S-sans..?" I reached out to him, and the yellow faded from his eyes.

"Do" he muttered. He then placed his hands on the side of his skull. "The nightmares...they got worse...something happened...FRISK, get away, wake up, he's...he'll be here soon...warn everyone!"

I was confused. "Who?" Sans fell on his knees. "Him...the...trickster...his name is...B---S...." he replied, his voice shaking and cutting off.

Then before Sans could say anything else, his eyes became all yellow again, and he began laughing.

"Yes, listen to your friend! After all...this could all be an illusion...he could be tricking you!" Sans' voice echoed. However, it didn't sound like his own voice. It was echoey and chilled me to the bone.

"Who are you and what have you done to Sans?!" I questioned, but the only response I got was laughter and a saying.

"Oh will you look at that, the time has gone by so quickly!" He laughed, looking down at a sudden watch that appeared on his wrist. The scenery faded, and everything was once again black. "Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. Byeee!"

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