Tags pt3- Crush Tag (Im not tagging them, tho)

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Crush tag cuz why not?

He, She or They?

He/Him (As far as I know)


Tristan Fake (That is his real surname. Not sure it's spelt like that tho)

How old are they?

12 or 13. Yes I know that's 1-2 years older than me, but your parents aren't the same age, are they? Exactly.

How did you meet?

Long story short, we met at our old martial arts club and we've stayed friends for years since!

Who talked first?

Him! I can even quote what he said, "Your (my brother's name)'s sister, right?" And I kid you not, a few minutes later, he said, and I quote, "You're cuter than I expected." Im sorry what? WHAT?? (Also, the shade on my brother😂😂 )

Their hair and eye colour?

Blonde, it looks bleached because the roots are brown, but it's naturally blonde. It looks really cool though. Brown eyes. I just realised I have a thing for blonde people--every person I've ever had a crush on, both my exes, and Cole, sh*t that's a lot of blondes.


Liam. He is basically Liam. I have a thing for people with Liam and Cole's personalities. That shows how amazing he is. (The Stewart bois and Tristan)

Any Code-names?

Yes, Tracy, Trixie and The brick.

Do you think you have a chance with them?

If he suddenly becomes single, most definitely yes--otherwise, NO! He is way too nice to cheat on someone.

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