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The next morning Y/N woke up to movement. She looked up to see Midas at the end of the bed tying his shoe. He looked over his shoulder to look at Y/N. "Good morning darling....I didn't mean to wake you." He said with a smile. His hair was a little wet from his shower but it was combed back in it's usual way. "Morning babe.....leaving so soon?" she asked with smirk. He chuckled a little, "You know the agents are returning with Brutus....I can't wait for you to meet him." he said standing up turning to face her. She crawled to the end of the bed and jumped into his arms. He grabbed her and embraced her back. " I'm excited for today!" she said into his neck breathing in his scent. 'God....he smells like heaven...' she thought. "Me too doll" he said as she hopped down off his hips. "I'm gonna go get in the shower....I would ask you to join me but....I don't wanna make you late." she said as she walked into the bathroom. She ran the water and started getting undressed. "f*ck it..."Said Midas as he walked in the bathroom. He started getting undressed. He picked her up and walked in the shower. After the Shower they walked into his closet and started helping each other get dressed. "babe....now your hair is messed up....can I comb it back?" she asked. He walked to a drawer in his closet and Pulled out a golden comb and handed it to her. She walked out and sat on the bed as he sat in between her legs and started to comb his hair back. Five minutes later they left to walk up stairs into Midas's office. He sat in his chair as she sat across from him. He looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Why don't you come sit on daddy's lap?" he said with a smirk. She laughed at his suddenness. "What's so funny doll?....you know I don't like being laughed at...take me serious..."He said grinning. "I think while we are working....we should keep things business related so we don't distract each other...." She said with a grin. He stared at her with a smirk. "fine...business it is...." he said."Did you file my paperwork ?" He asked. "Yes...I also started typing up the shadow documents." she replied with a grin. "Good girl." he responded. "How are the earpieces working?" he asked. "I checked in with Tek to complete the earpiece analysis...They are working perfectly...he even wanted to start a upgrading process to them." She said handing him a paper. "I need your signature and approval to start the upgrading. "she said as he took the paper and read it over. "I approve...these upgrades would be good for the agents." He said as he signed the paper with his golden pen, golden ink coming out. He handed the paper back. "Good, i'll get these documents turned into the system as soon as possible. I'll also see to it that your supervisor get's copies." she said. "How are the checks?" he asked. "Being uploaded, i'll see they get sent out as soon as possible." she responded. "Good...while your at it...give everyone that works for ghost a raise of 30%" he said. This shocked Y/N. 'holy mother....that's a lot' she thought. "Midas....I don't think your supervisor would agree with that. That's a lot all of a sudden to everyone, the agents, the workers, and the henchmen. That is a lot of money...are you sure you want to make this their normal paychecks?" she asked. "Positive Agent..." he said as he continued to read through paper work. ' He's more than able to make this move...Each paycheck for every single worker in this agency is the amount he makes in a day. He has a enough to buy everyone a yacht!' she thought. "Yes...sir..." 'My Midas.....so generous........he just doesn't let other people see that side of him.....But he let's me....' she thought. "Anything else boss?" she asked. "Everything seems to check out....thank you agent...you can go if you like." he said emotionless. "Now that we're done working....we can hangout now if you like." she said with a small smile. "Correction dear....you're done working....I'm never done...I still have go through papers to read and sign documents....I'm a very busy man agent." he said calmly. "Ah come on Midas...don't be like that.." she said. "Be strictly business?" he asked. 'Fineee...i'll sit on your lap..." she said. "I don't think that would be appropriate in a working place Ms. Y/L/N." he said smirking as he leaned back in his chair. "You should of thought about that before we had sex....right here on your desk!" she smirked. "If you were really concerned about our work environment....you would have never took me in your office...or in your shower...or in your bed." He stared at her for what seemed like minutes. She got up and walked around his desk and climbed on his lap staring into his eyes. "What do you want from me Y/N...." He asked staring into her eyes. "You....nothing and no one but you..." she said continuing to stare into his eyes. Moments later they heard a helicopter. They both got up to walk down stairs. They walked outside to see Maya, Skye, and Tntina watching the Choppa land. Meowscles, Peely, and Brutus stepped out. "Brutus....your back!" yelled Skye. "It's good to see you..you big Brut!" Yelled Tntina as she slapped him on the back. "Well i'll be damned....look who got out alive...how was it locked up with the ops?" Maya asked smirking. "aeh....it could of been better" Said Brutus with a thick deep raspy New Yorker voice. He crossed his arms as Midas approached him. "It's good to have you back Agent....how do you feel?" asked Midas. "Glad to be back boss...uh.. I'm feelin alright... I could use a hot tub, some lasagna, and a blonde or two but i'm doing fine." He said with a smirk. "Welcome home agent...There's someone I'll like you to meet...our newest recruit...Brutus....meet Agent Y/N.." said Midas. "It's nice to meet you..." said Y/N with a smile, she put her hand out for him to shake it. He looked her up and down for a moment. "So....this is my replacement?" he asked. Everyone got quite and felt uncomfortable. Y/N felt shocked and guilty. "Hahaha...I'm just kidding...you should have seen your face!!!"he yelled as he and the other agents laughed. Midas stood there with a amused look on his face. Y/N then started to laugh."oh..yea..haha.....you got me..." She said embarrassed. Brutus then grabbed her hand and kissed it. "It's nice to meet you too sweetie." Y/N started to blush. "My apologies if I offended you in any way... I think your a very nice...lovely lady" he said reassuring her. "Welcome to the team!...Now if you'll excuse me... I need to get some food in my system." He said as him and the other agents started walking back towards the building chatting. Midas was talking to Meowscles. "How did the rescue go?" asked Midas. "Uh....there were a few slight complications..." replied Meowscles. "And?...." asked Midas. "We took care of them.." responded Meowscles. "Good...very good work Agent."said Midas, "Enjoy the rest of your day off." said Midas. "Meow...thank you boss."said Meowscles. "By any chance... have you seen Lynx?" he asked. "She's in the tech room helping Tek with a new coding algorithm" replied Midas. "Thanks M." said Meowscles as he walked towards the building. Y/N walked up to Midas. "That went well....he seems nice.."She smiled. "I met one of your old friends....you met one of mine.."She said smiling, Midas looked down. "Can we...talk?" he asked. "Yeah...sure..of course.."she said. "Privately?" he asked. He grabbed her hand and dragged her into the Agency. He walked her up to his office and closed the door. "What's wrong Midas..." she asked worried. "Nothing...it's just..." he started. "Come on Midas....you asked me to be open with you...now be open with me!" she giggled. "I don't....really know much about your past...I don't know the details. Just the basics." he said starring at her. "I don't know much about you..... either..." she said dazed. "What do you want to know ?" she asked finally making eye contact. "The people in your past...." He asked seriously. "What...kind of....people ?" she asked confused. "The people you hold dear in your heart..." he responded. "Fine... you want to know the history of people i'v had in my heart...I'll tell you" she sighed. "After my parents died I went into the system. At the age of 5 I was shipped off to live with foster parents...I loved them...but they didn't want me...so they shipped me back. At the age of 8...after enduring years of neglect in the foster system...I ran away. And then The don found me...and raised me to be an assassin...after being torture for not completing missions...I grew tired of his barbaric ways...so I escaped him at the age of 16 and sought out on my own... at 19, I met my first boyfriend, wildcard....and lived with him for a while...he sent me on assassin missions...I stayed with him for a while...until it got toxic.....he started abusing me...verbally and physically...he cheated on me. I stayed with him for 2 years because I was scared to leave. He told me if I ever tried to leave him...he'll kill me his self. I escaped him one night after he passed out from drinking. That night I met my best friend Crackabella and her brother Crackshot. They took me in and kept me safe when Wildcard put a bounty on my head......That's my history of people I'v let in my heart...and pretty much everyone in my life broke it....everyone besides Crackabella and Crackshot..." she said explaining. Midas stood up and walked over to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "Who would hurt you ?" he asked sadly and angry. "As long as I live....no one will ever hurt you again." he said. "I promise....and I never ever break promises." he stated. It's true, Midas never broke a promise a day in his life. "Oh Midas...please hold me" she cried out in despair. He embraced her as she cried in his arms. 'As long as I'm here...No one could hurt you...' he thought. She fell asleep in his arms and he carried her to his room. He laid her down on his king size bed and covered her in his golden sheets. He went into his main office area to find a glass case containing his Golden Drum gun. He scanned his self and it opened. He grabbed his drum gun and walked towards the door. He walked back to his office and paged his second hand assistant. "Rook..come see me in my office" said Midas into his earpiece. A minute later she knocked on the door. "Come in" he said. She walked in and closed the door behind her walking towards his desk. "You paged me sir?" asked Rook. "Yes...find me everything there is to know about a man named Wildcard..." He said. "Yes sir." she said as she turned and walked to her office. She sat on her desk and turned on her computer. "Wildcard.....Wildcard..." she said to herself as she typed away on her computer. " Ah ha!" she said grinning. "Gotcha..." she said as she pressed print on his report. "Your a baaaddd boyyy...." she said as she placed the papers into a classified file. 5 minutes later she knocked on Midas's office door. "Come in" he responded. She walked in and closed the door walking up to his desk. " Did you get what I asked for?" he asked. "Yes sir...I dug up everything I could find on him...his past and his present locations." She said handing him the file. "He's a scam artist sir." she said. "Good work Rook!...your free to go." he said while reading the file. "Thank you sir." she said as she turned to go. 'Time to go...Wildcard....' he said in his mind. 10 minutes later he paged Rook again. "Rook.....ready 10 henchmen and have them waiting in the helicopters.". "Yes sir" she responded through the earpiece. He grabbed his drum gun and walked down stairs. He walked past Meowscles. "Meowscles...I'm going out...while i'm gone, you're in charge..I'll be back in 2 hours." said Midas. "meow....Got it M." he responded while heading to the Meeting room to hang out with the other agents. Midas walked outside to see two choppers full of the henchmen he ordered. "Ready boss...where we headed?" asked a henchmen. "Dirty Docks." replied Midas as he climbed in the choppa.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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