Chase Landry- The Wedding

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The day before Gator season ended started off slow both Chase and I were hunting Gators and a record temp of 103 hit the spot we were hunting. A honey hole of Troy's, that Chase and I were having no luck with everytime we had to check in with his father.


"Chase look, poachers!" I say pointing to a cut line. "They our damn lines!" I groan and roll my eyes in defeat.

"Yeah. Guess we'll be out here tonight." He says as Troy comes back to check on us with Jacob.

"Poach'rs." Troy said taking one look at the cut line.

"Now who's gonna stay out and catch 'em?" Jacob asks looking to his father.

Troy stayed silent for a moment.

"Mister Troy?" I ask looking at him as he thinks. "Jacob, I want ya on our side tonight. Y/N and Chase, yall rebait these lines an head in to refuel, and grab stuff for tonight." Troy says giving a reassuring smile.

Jacob mumbles under his breath. "Yeah put them together and they won't catch no one." Jacob knew I heard him cause I was about to kill him.

"JACOB S- Shut your face!" Chase muffles my yelling. "Shush. Now." He says as I roll my eyes at him. Troy just laughs before speaking "He ain't wrong ya two."

I remove Chase's hand from my mouth. "Mister Troy!" I look to my fiancee of a year for help.

He shrugs laughing. "Don't make me shove you into the water, Landry." I threaten glaring. "O-ho I'm so scared." Chase says smirking. "Chase Michael leave 'er be. Rebait them here lines and get ready." Troy says saving him.

"Yes, Sir." Chase says smirking at me grabbing the rotten chicken. We watch as they dissapear around the corner. I reset the line before we move to the last two.

"Would ya really shove me into Gator infested waters?" He asks helping me with the line. "Maybe if you deserved it." I smirk watching his arm muscles flex.

"Would I have deserved it back there mama?" He asks knowing I hated being called mama, especially if it was out in the open for the family to hear.

"Yes and you deserve it now." I glare. "Then do it, mama." He smirks bracing himself for impact into the water. "You know I hate mama unless we're alone!" I say noticing Troy and Jacob coming back.

"We are alone!" He holds his arms out to the openness of the swamp. "Come on mama!" He smirks finishing the last line.

Just about that time Troy and Jacob pull up. "Well shit. You're really gonna put me in the water now." I nod picking him up and dropping him beside the boat. "Have fun swimmin' Landry!" I give a playful smirk, waving as he comes back up.

"Mama!?" Troy asks a little worried. "Are ya pregnant!?" Jacob asks looking at Chase.

Chase gets back in the boat so he can talk and be safe at the same time. "Yes, mama. No she's not pregnant ya dipshit."

Our wedding is the day after gator season ends. Just a simple cajun wedding. Nothing special. A few friends and family. But Troy's agreement with the wedding was that if Chase and I did do anything before marriage, we left kids out till after marriage. So we've been super careful and gator season ends tomorrow. So in two days we're getting married. But none of them know it's actually not a nickname. It's an actual name now.......

(End of Gator season. The wedding)

Chase's POV:

"Nervous yet?" Jacob asked standing behind me as my best man. "Man stop Makin' me nervous." I say waiting on dad to walk Y/N down the aisle.

Y/N's POV:

I didn't have a father growing up so I asked Troy to walk me down the aisle. He of course said yes.

"Ms. Dixon?" Troy politely knocked on the door of Chase's room where I was getting ready. "Yes Mister Landry?" I answer back.

"Are ya ready?" He asks waiting outside. I open the door in my semi fancy dress answering "I'm ready."

He smiles extending an arm. I gladly take it not being used to heels.

"Who gives away the bride?" Guy asks.
"I do." Troy answers helping me to where Chase was. My feet tremble a little as we exchange vows.

"Ya may now kiss the bride." Guy says as Chase removes our hats. "Theres that beautiful wife of mine." He whispers before kissing me.

I smile softly pulling away before whispering. "Save the rest of those for the dancing and our room."

He smirks, "Yes mama." He picks me up walking down the aisle. "Chase, put me down-" I laugh trying to hold my dress up in the back, "-you missed half the dress." I smile at him as he immediately puts me down.

"Sorry Mrs. Landry." He smiles as a soft blush spreads across his face. "You're fine Mister Landry." I smile before we finish off our evening.

"Yall kids be safe." Troy says smiling at us. "Yes Sir." Chase and I say at the same time. We laugh before leaving. I also want a grand baby in the works while yall is gone." He smiles patting our backs.

"We'll try Sir. Its gonna fall to Chase on that." Troy and I laugh as Chase takes a moment to figure it out. "Huh?" Chase asks confused as Jacob helps him. "You gotta preform as well as you charm and keep me up." Jacob finished before laughing.

"Hey! That wasn't appropriate!" Chase says turning red from embarrassment. "Neither is you! Now I have a request on my uncle duties." He states. "I'd like a Niece." He smiles before walking off.

"I'm with Jacob. I'd like a granddaughter." Troy says smiling. "Well that's gonna be up to the baby and God." We smile at Troy.

"Now get to work." He says pushing us off to Chase's truck. "We're going dad." Chase laughs picking me up and putting me in his truck.

I lean out the window before yelling, "SEE YALL IN TWO WEEKS!!!!" Chase laughs shaking his head.

"Get back in the truck or we won't make it outta the driveway tonight." He smirks as I smirk at him. "Let's get where we're going and not get out till the morning." I say sliding next to him listening to the radio.

Needless to say something wild happened while we were out making a baby, and now that's what we are waiting on.

A/N: Part 2 maybe? Guess we will see later on! Hope y'all enjoyed the first imagine and can't wait to write more for y'all. Love y'all!!

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