Isn't there any good news? Am I a prophet of doom like Jeremiah? Of course not. There is Good News.
Remember God wanted to love us and wanted us to be loved by Him. Even though we stopped loving God and saw Him as an enemy, God didn't stop loving us. In His unfailing, undeserving, unconditional Love, He tampered judgment and condemnation with mercy.
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life." (John 3:16; AMP)
Isn't that great?! Jesus became the Sacrifice we all needed. He paid our debts with His own Precious, Perfect Blood. His Blood did not cover our sins but washed them away. He washed us squeaky clean. Pearly white.
He died our deaths and gave us His Life.
He bore our shame and mockery and gave us His Glory.
He took our curses and gave us His Blessings.
He took our scars and made us stars.
He restored us back to our position of authority.
He delivered us from slavery and gave us sonship.
He reconciled us back to God.
While we were doomed to eternal destruction, we now have the choice of spending eternity with God in Heaven.
Jesus Christ gave us a new record, a fresh sheet, before God. God will look at anyone who will submit to Jesus as if they have never sinned in their life.
Yes, Jesus has died and gotten victory over the enemy. However, not anyone enjoys this benefit. These benefits.
"…whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life." (John 3:16b; AMP)
You have to believe that God exists (if you don't), you have to believe that Jesus is His Son and that He died to save you (yes, you reading this).
I don't know how battered or broken you are on the inside or outside. Maybe you feel or have been shown that no one really loves you. That's a big lie. God does love you. He is crazy about you. He wants you to know Him. He wants you to love Him too.
You may be asking again: But God is invisible? How can Someone who I can't see love me? How can I love Someone I can't see? How am I sure God really died for me and not just the others? Am I that special? How can one Person's death and Resurrection save so many people? How can one death give life to all? How can there be so many privileges in Jesus' death? Isn't this all fake? Isn't this just a scam?
Sighs. So many questions and that's understandable. The human mind wants to understand how everything works. If there's no scientific explanation to it, then it probably doesn't exist. It doesn't work that way God's Way.
God is supernatural. The Three-in-One God is a mystery. The death and Resurrection is a mystery. Salvation is a mystery too. You can never analyze God and how He does His things. It's Him Who reveals to us what He thinks we should know.
The way God chose to save man might seem like foolishness to some. Paul confirms this in 1 Corinthians 1:18-29 (LB):
[18]I know very well how foolish it sounds to those who are lost, when they hear that Jesus died to save them. But we who are saved* recognize this Message as the very Power of God.
[19]For God says, “I will destroy all human plans of salvation no matter how wise they seem to be, and ignore the best ideas of men, even the most brilliant of them.”
[20]So what about these wise men, these scholars, these brilliant debaters of this world’s great affairs? God has made them all look foolish and shown their wisdom to be useless nonsense.
[21]For God in His wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance, and then He stepped in and saved all those who believed His Message, which the world calls foolish and silly.
[22]It seems foolish to the Jews because they want a sign from heaven as proof that what is preached is true; and it is foolish to the Gentiles because they believe only what agrees with their philosophy and seems wise to them.
[23]So when we preach about Christ dying to save them, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it’s all nonsense.
[24]But God has opened the eyes of those called to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, to see that Christ is the mighty Power of God to save them; Christ Himself is the Center of God’s wise plan for their salvation.
[25]This so-called “foolish” plan of God is far wiser than the wisest plan of the wisest man, and God in His weakness—Christ dying on the cross—is far stronger than any man.
[26]Notice among yourselves, dear brothers, that few of you who follow Christ have big names or power or wealth.
[27]Instead, God has deliberately chosen to use ideas the world considers foolish and of little worth in order to shame those people considered by the world as wise and great.
[28]He has chosen a plan despised by the world, counted as nothing at all, and used it to bring down to nothing those the world considers great,
[29]so that no one anywhere can ever brag in the Presence of God.
On No Condition
SpiritualThe love in the world is 'earned' on the basis of conscious or unconscious conditions being met by the lover. It requires some kind of finite exchange. But there is love that is "given freely" to the loved one "on no condition". Loving is primary. T...