Chapter 4: Broken Promise

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~Time skip~

~the final Bell rang~

Star POV
"Yes! It's finally over can't wait to go home" I said while exiting the classroom. I went to find Marco and saw him hanging out with Jackie. I felt a bit of jealous but I ignored it and came to him and said "Come on Marco, let's go!" "You go ahead Star" "Alright fine but don't be late" "Don't worry,I promise" "Ok".

I walk away, having mixed emotions about it. I don't know if I'm angry, jealous or even sad. I took a deep breath and relax myself. After that I was on my way home. When I reach home it was already 4:30pm. I put my bag on the couch and quickly went to the kitchen to get ready the ingredients. I search for it but it's not enough, so I decided to head to the grocery store real quick. I summon cloudy and I was on my way

After an hour, I reach home with full of stuff. I bought the ingredients that were needed for the nachos and I also bought some snacks and drinks. I put the ingredients on the kitchen counter while the snacks at the coffee table and the drinks in the fridge. I look at the time and it was already 6:15pm and his still haven't arrived. "Come on Marco, where are you!" I said while getting a little frustrated.

After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to take a shower. I went to my room and took my clothes off and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and enjoying the hot water. It feels so relaxing. After awhile, I walked out and put on my clothes. I look at the clock and it's 7:30pm already. I was getting frustrated with him. So I decided to call him but he didn't answer. I call him again and again but still no response.

I threw my phone at my bed and groaned in anger. I sigh in defeat and just hope he arrives soon. I then heard the door open and I quickly ran downstairs. I was getting excited but that feeling was gone when it was just Mr Diaz, who's just back from work.

He greeted us and Mrs Diaz said "Dinner is ready!" And all of us took a sit at the dining table. While we were eating I zone out, Mrs Diaz must have notice it and ask me "Hey Star, you ok?". I sigh and said "No", everyone suddenly stopped eating and look at me in concern.

A smile grow on my face because of how the Diaz actually cares so much for me. Mrs Diaz ask why and I said "it's about Marco, it's Friendship Thursday but he still haven't got back yet. I even prepared the ingredients for his special nachos". The concern started to grow even more as she realised its getting late. Mr Diaz quickly grab his cell phone and call him.

After a few minutes, the call ended. Mr Diaz sigh and said "He's said his on a date with his girlfriend" "and? Did he said anything else?" Mrs Diaz said in her voice we could heard the frustration in it. Mr Diaz said "no that's it". When I heard that, I slammed the table with my hand and said in anger "He promised!"

Mariposa puts her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. She said "Calm down Star,maybe he forgot." "Yeah sure" I said in sarcasm. I finished my food and wash my plate. I grab a can of soda and walk upstairs to my room.

At 9pm I heard the door was open. I said to myself "It must be Marco". I walk out of my room and saw him walking upstairs. He noticed me and said "Hey". I look at him full of anger and said "Where have you been?!". He looks at me in confusion and said "I was having a date with Jackie, didn't I told you already?". My blood started to boiled when he said that. "You didn't told me anything!". He flinch at my outburst and realized that he didn't told me.

He sigh and said "Well I'm sorry ok. I forgot" "Is that it?!". "What do you mean?". I was getting frustrated with him. I said "You SERIOUSLY forgot!" "Forgot what!" He was getting mad, so as I. I took a deep breath and sigh, "Try remembering it" I said to him and went back to my room.

Marco POV
After she goes to her room, I sigh and before I knew it my mom suddenly said "You have no clue don't you?". I scratch my head and ask "About what?". My mother sigh and said "It's Thursday" "Yeah so?" "Go to the kitchen" "Why?" "You'll see". I was confused but I just follow it.

I went to kitchen and turn on the lights. My eyes went wide seeing the stuff on the counter. Suddenly it struct me, IT'S FRIENDSHIP THURSDAY! How could I forgot!

I quickly ran to Stars room but no answer, I sigh and decided to went to bed.

~2 months later~

Star POV
Ever since than, our friendship is beginning to fall apart. He always went to school early, he always spend more time with Jackie and he didn't even remember our special day.

I've beginning to question myself, did he really mean it about the promise he made or he didn't.

It's a long chapter I know 😂😂. I got lost making it and didn't realize it. Hope you guys still enjoyed it! See you guys next time!

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