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He ran to me... my heart leaped, morphing into the wings of a hummingbird within my rib cage, he engulfed me in the most passionate kiss it made me dizzy.

"You always kiss your Queen so passionately, without permission" I huffed.

"You ran away-again" He pouted.

"I left to make sure my tribe was living prosperously and then I got sick" I watched him physically tense up.

"I sent Hoseok here to watch out for you as soon as I woke up and found you had gone, but... to be honest, knowing what I know now, you made the right decision in running away" he stroked my cheek with his right thumb.

"Wait- how did you know where I was?" I asked.

"I know everything," he smirked.

"Can't get anything passed you, but why didn't you come yourself?" I asked.

"Honestly, I thought if I left you alone maybe you would come back for this" he said whilst holding my amulet and placing it around my neck, "But then I found out from Hoseok that you were sick, he was suspicious you were pregnant, updated me, I gave him the rabbits, once he confirmed, I came straight away and as luck would have it, Jungkook is a friend of mine" he explained.

"Traitor" I famed disgust hiding a little smile at Jungkook and he just laughed at my small jest.

"We're all on the same side El trust me, Jungkook just wants an alliance with Mono, and I just want you and my baby to be safe" said Namjoon pressing his forehead to mine closing his eyes.

"And what about your father what does he know?" I asked.

"Nothing, I've told him nothing, I won't let him-" I could sense his internal struggle, he was scared. "Would you walk with me?" He asked.

"Of course" I stood from the bed and patted down the sheets back into place.

We walked out onto the balcony, his face was flushed as he eyed me from head to toe.

"...You're wearing a dress, I-" he choked.

"Seriously pervert.... don't get used to it," I scoffed "they've had the whale bone taken out so I can wear it 'comfortably'" I quote with an eye roll.

"It looks great, y-you look great" is he flirting with me?

"So how do we proceed?, and please don't hide anything from me-"

"I think we should get married" He cuts.

"That won't make you a King, Namjoon"

"No, but it would validate the legitimacy of our child, and I am the Hierarchy heir, regardless our child was meant to rule over the Citadel one day" he smiled.

"Di-did you plan all this, from the beginning, to seduce me and to use me for leadership?" I accuse, it's in my nature to be suspicious.

"No, I didn't even know who you were, I swear it, I just noticed you from my bedroom window, killing my rabbits"

"I almost put an arrow in you too" I sneered.

"But you didn't" he cocked a suspicious eyebrow. "Maybe it was destiny" he sighed in contentment with his hand on my stomach.

I looked out over the balcony to behold the scenery, it was indeed The Golden City, it glittered in the light.

The rays from the sun bounced onto the ocean's coast, they cast a rainbow glare against the wisps from the salt water, it was breathtaking.

Time stood still while I marvelled at the view, picking threads from the cuff of the dress.

"Jungkook is going to take in our refugees, until this is all over, you won't have to worry about them anymore, we need to worry about us" said Namjoon.

"I'm not going to marry you just because I'm pregnant Namjoon, marriage is a sacred bond of trust, for those who fight together, who throw themselves in to the darkness depths to save one another, win or lose, even in death."

"You think I wouldn't die for you, because I would" he was direct, like it was a fact.

"Don't be ridiculous, you don't even know me." I said. "And if anyone is going to kill you, it'll be me"

"It would be an honour" he chuckled and bowed, I let a slight giggle escape my lips but covered it up bringing a sleeve up to my mouth."Maybe if we spend some time together, you'll change your mind" He suggested.

"Well I'm not some damsel who will swoon over your every compliment, but I suppose we could try" I agreed.



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