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An arrow had been shot into the Golden Castles groundskeeper, it had pierced his heart and had killed him instantly, the man was an elderly person, tending to the golden carnations that grew around the castle, before being struck down to his untimely death, Jungkook looked wild at the arrow with anger in his eyes.

The ribbon on the end of the arrow was black and white, one I was all too familiar with, a Citadel of Mono arrow, still embellished with my father's insignia. The moon. This was a declaration of war.

Jungkook had slipped the paper from the arrow, and began to read it.

Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon strode to the study to talk and of course left me out, Jimin looked at me just before the door closed and gestured to me to go to one of his secret vents.

I had tried a few before finding the right one, it was faint at first, I had to listen closely, and then I heard the most haunting thing.

The Hierarchy knew about Joon Min.

I was interrupted by the distant cries from my baby as one of the maidens cradled him.

"I think he's hungry, my lady," she said.

With a nod I followed her to my room, all Joon Min really wanted was his mother close to him, I fed him and snuggled him until he rolled off back to his dreams.

I knew that the Hierarchy would never stop looking for Joon Min until he was dead, he's a risk for the crown, I had to kill the Hierarchy first.


Namjoon laid beside me silently sleeping, I sat in peaceful bliss with Joon Min in my arms, rocking him to sleep, in the quiet of the dusk, the sun dipped below the horizon as the day had ended, but our troubles were far from over.

What was life going to be like for him now that he was in the world, I needed to secure his safety, if the Hierarchy ever got a hold of him, he would surely have him killed.

I wouldn't allow anything to happen to my baby, not now, not ever, now that he was here in the world he was a threat to the crown.

I laid Joon Min in his crib, not taking my eyes away from his sweet little face, this was going to be my last stand against the Hierarchy, this wasn't about vengeance anymore, this was about protecting my child.

I slipped away to get dressed out of my nightwear, while they both slept, I cuffed my leather braces to my arms and lace up my boots, to return to Namjoon sitting up on the bed.

"Running out on me again?" He said stoically.

"No, just going to practice-"

"Don't lie to me El, please tell me you're not going to the Citadel" My guilty face had betrayed me "You've barely healed from having the baby and he needs you El, I need you too" he kneeled on the floor with his arms around my waist, his stoic facade had faulted leaving him emotional.

"I need to keep him safe, Namjoon if your father finds him, he will kill him, he underestimated me, that's why he let you keep me as a pet, but with Joon Min being your son too, and not being able to control him, he will kill him" I said.

"Please, there's a better way than you sneaking off in the middle of the night El" he said sniffling below me.

"And what better way is that?" I asked.

"You're not alone in this, you have me, Jungkook, Jimin even Seokjin are willing-"

"Don't you dare, Seokjin killed my father and you know that!" I spit.

"He also helped me escape to come back to you and Joon Min, if it wasn't for him I'd have swung from my neck and been a rotting corpse by now" he explained.

I kneeled on the floor with him and caressed his face with my fingers, and pulled him in close. He did have a point.

Every time I had tried to out smart Namjoon he was always ten steps ahead of me, maybe it was time for a plan instead of just winging it like I usually do.

Namjoon had told me he had sent word to General Seokjin, to come to the Golden City with his most loyal guards, Seokjin knows the Citadel better than anyone else does.

Taehyung would stay with Joon Min and the maidens while Jungkook would lead a charge on the front gate, with Jimin and the Golden Army by his side, his oath to me was to dethrone the Hierarchy and place it's rightful Monarch on the throne. We couldn't lose.

I knew Namjoon was going to try and make me stay in the Golden City, to which I refused, he knew I would just follow them anyway even if they left without me.

Namjoon had unbound my legs from my leather boots and held me close, I could hear his heartbeat thumping in his chest like a soft drum.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you, I love you too much" he kissed the top of my head.

"I'm doing this for our future, I want to protect our child too." I said.

"I know but let's not think about this now, we will make all the preparations tomorrow okay?" He said.

"Okay," I replied drifting off to the light drums in his chest.



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