Amber's POV-Introduction

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My name is Amber Smithe. I am 17 years old and I have long Dark curly hair, dark violet eyes, 5 ft. 4 and a senior in high school. I always knew I was different, but I never really knew why until my 16 birthday….


I’m dreaming and sleeping peacefully, when suddenly it feels like I’m on fire and every bone in my body is breaking. I run outside into the cool night air, but it doesn’t help. I crumble to the ground and when I open my eyes my hands are gone and I have a tail and I am on 4 legs!  “Mom! Help me” I try to call out but it comes out a howl. I hear a voice in my head

“Calm down, your giving me a headache” the voice snarls

“Uh who are you” I ask trying to sound brave and failing miserably.

“I’m Patience, your inner wolf” she says sarcastically

“I’m uh Amber, nice to meet you I guess….”


“I think I need to go back to bed” I reply and close my eyes, fighting to be me again.

I rush into the house and climb into bed, drifting off immediately, exhausted by this turn of events.

~End of Flashback~

My wolf filled me in on pretty much everything now, but I can tell she’s holding back on something. I’ve kept my secret for almost 2 years now and I know it will only get harder when I go to college but I’ll be ready. Today is my first day of senior year and I have to get ready. I tried out for the cheerleading team over the summer and we find out who made it today at school. I hope I made it; it looked like I was the best tumbler there. Over the summer I got a little taller and way curvier, really filling out. I decide to wear a green skirt that brings out my eyes with a grey shirt that has my school logo on it .I pair that with my grey boots and I’m almost ready. I run into the bathroom and do my hair, making it frame my face in soft curls. I walk downstairs and kiss my mom on the cheek, grabbing a muffin off the counter “Bye Mom” .She waves and I grab my keys to my pale green Porsche .The drive to school short but peaceful. I climb out of the car and make my way to the bulletin board; I scan the list and find my name near the top. I smile and walk away, ignoring the wolf-whistles coming my way. I walk into my first class, English and sit down in a seat near the middle. I am almost immediately flocked by a bunch of preppy-type girls. We talk and I realize they know me and I should remember them ….but I don’t; I work hard to remember their names and by the end of the bell I’ve got them. I go through the day and before I know it its lunchtime .I head to the cafeteria and go through the line when I smell the chocolate chip cookies, my favorite. I hurry through, pausing at the end ……where should I sit .I spot some cheerleaders and make my way over to them and sit down introducing myself “Hey, I’m Amber”. A few actually acknowledge me but others continue on with previous conversations. I feel a light tapping on my shoulder and turn to see a tall girl smiling at me “Hi I’m Brittney, Nice to meet you” I smiled and we chatted the whole period, As I made my way to Calculus I thought about how glad I was that there were some nice people here. I sink into a chair in the very back of the room. I am sniffing the air, trying to  locate the wonderful smell suddenly I get this fierce pain in the back of my head I tip my head forward and lay it on the desk, moaning in agony .The teacher rushes to me and escorts me to the nurse, Miss Goens who gives me a funny look and ushers the teacher out.

Looking me over she whispers “I know what you are”

I squint at her and try to focus as the pain slowly recedes, leaving me with a dull ache

“What are you talking about?”

Raising and eyebrow she scoffs “Child I’m the oldest werewolf in town, I think I know when one of my own is nearby”

I stammer and stutter, attempting to form a reply “I-I um…” I squeeze my eyes shut and mumble

“How did you find out? I was so careful”

She cackles and gestures grandly “I already told you….I’m one of you too”

She wrings her hands and starts to speak

“Listen girly, I’m sure your wolf has explained all about mates and such so” I must look confused because she stops and stares at me “Your wolf didn’t tell you any of this?”

I shake my head no and her eyes widen and she continues rushing out “ There is someone out there ,made just for you….and that pain you felt ,That happens when your mate is intimate with another”

I feel tears prick at the back of my eyes and look up, not understanding why this hits home. I do understand when I pass out that the horrible feeling goes away.

 A/N This is my first story everyone so please tell me what I can do to make it better.....I'd appreciate if there were no Grammar Nazis

anywaysssss Happy Reading Vote and Comment please

Copyrighted by xExoticAngelx aka Angel Myers 2014

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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