Please say something
Please give me something to hold onto
I can't fucking breathe
and there's nothing to grasp
I can no longer feel
the tips of my fingers
cold as ice
My eyes roll back and you can't see me
and I can't breathe
and I can't see
I feel like I'm underwater
my lungs fill with saltwater
and your name rings in my ears
please, i just want you gone
i want no remains of what you did
the words you said hurt too bad
i can't handle you anymore
and I wish I were dead.
I lost who you were
and should've left sooner
should've ran as soon as I saw you
not let you cause all this trauma
I can't fucking take it
this isn't a fucking poem anymore
I give up
I give the fuck up
why the hell am I here
if you read this, please reach out to me.
I can't do this.
this is a cry for help and i hope it isn't just a whisper.
im sorry.