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Raisha woke up. All she saw was Zerif being killed, Abeke screaming, and the Greencloaks running out of the scene. After the battle, she ran for it.  She didn't know where she was, but she ended up in the Redcloak base. Talon was running down the corridor.  She looked at Raisha. "Go down left. Their coming!" "But-" "There's no time. Do it for your own life." Talon whispered, putting her hands on both of Raisha's shoulders. "Its not us they want, it's you. The Oathbound. They know about your connection with Zerif. They want you to join them. Do whatever you can to save yourself." Raisha nodded, a tear dripping down her cheek. She hid in the closet and locked the door. She had a secret; she had superpowers. She could do anything, literally anything. She blocked the door with an unbreakable shield. She heard a slither. Raisha was panicking. "W-Who's there?" Then she heard a familiar hiss. Raisha beamed. "Gerathon!" Gerathon slithered onto her shoulder. "It's good to have you back!" Suddenly, they heard a crash and a scream. Raisha ran to the entrance and peeked through the door. She gasped. There were tons of dead bodies, and half of them were Redcloaks. Raisha started to cry when she saw a familiar face with their mask on, lying there. Raisha saw the rest of the Redcloaks running to the scene. "Worthy!" Raisha ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Worthy saw that her eyes were full of tears. She looked back at the corpse. "It's Talon." She started. "S-She's dead."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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