.Monsters Laws Back.

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"Werewolves are real! I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real. And no one believed me." Bucky said sucking on his thumb as you rolled your eyes. "I thought werewolves were just myths."Lacey said. "Yeah, like cavities. Those are real too?" JC asked shocked. "Werewolves, ew. I really hope my allergies don't act up." Stacey complained.

"Please can I have one? I'm the only zombie in my class. A werewolf friend would be great. I'll feed him and walk him." Zoey begged her father. "Yeah, werewolves ain't class pets, Zoey. And they certainly ain't friendly."Her father frowned. "Mom we're okay". Addison said. "Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale. The crash was horrible, but I protected Addison and
Y/n. Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though not really, I am super brave." Bucky butted in as you roll your eyes.

"Mom, Dad, everything is fine". Addison attempted to calm them. "It's not fine. There are werewolves circling us right now, waiting to attack." Your father argued. "Yeah, and I'm way too tasty. I'm always looking like a snack. Somebody has to do something." Bucky whined. "And someone will. Hold my purse. By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated." Your mother said.

You gasped. "Mom, that is unfair!" Addison exclaimed as Zed came up to Addison. "Zed, we need to talk." Addison said. "- We do. Even though you didn't write, or answer any of my letters." Zed replied. "No, I wrote. A lot. The Aceys shredded all of our letters." Addison said presenting the Pom poms of shredded letters. You all turned to look at the Acey's as they laughed.

Then Zed got on one knee, "Addison. Will you make me the luckiest zombie and be my date to Prawn?" You smiled. "No" Addison said abruptly. Addison? "Great! No?" Zed asked shocked. "Everyone's freaking out about werewolves, so the anti-monster laws are in affect again, which means..." Addison started to explain herself before Bucky interrupted her. "Zombies can't go to Prawn. Ouch." Bucky said patting his shoulder.

"But we're going to fight this, Zed." Addison added. "Okay, so that's why you said no?" Zed asked seeming somewhat relieved. "Yeah. Why are you smiling?" Addison asked confused. "Because when you said no, I thought you didn't like me anymore. But the only problem here is a bunch of blood-thirsty werewolves. We can so fix that." Zed smiled earning a smile from Addison. As me and Bucky eyed him warningly.

"Attention all citizens. Monster laws have been reinstated. All curfews will be strictly enforced. Attention all citizens. Werewolves have been sighted in the area. Take cover immediately. Keep children and pets inside."The overhead speaker said as everyone panicked. It was truly heartbreaking to you to see how such a perfect world could turn into something so chaotic.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're closed. For good. Dreams of Fro-Yo success melted away. With monsters everywhere. Look, I like zombies. They like Fro-Yo. But werewolves like human flesh. Maybe with sprinkles. Everybody likes sprinkles. Just run. High knees, run!" Coach said packing up his fro-yo stand "poor coach" you thought.

"Attention all citizens. Werewolves have been sighted in the area. Take cover immediately. Keep children and pets inside." You spotted Eliza and Bonzo which you walked up to theme. "Hey Eliza!" You say as she acknowledges you before ranting. "They see one werewolf, and we can't go to Prawn? Okay, we have to fight this. Protest. Boycott. Hunger strike!" She exclaimed as Bonzo eyed his sandwich. "Fine. Finish your sandwich, but this is so unfair!" Eliza rolled her eyes. All the sudden your phone went off as did Eliza's.

It was in your group chat.

Group Chat

Zed: Hey if you guys see Zoey tell her to go home! I'm out her looking for her so if you guys can help that would be great.

Addison: K, I'm checking City Hall! ❤️

Zed: Thanks I'll Check out the beach and her school👍❤️❤️

Eliza: 🤢🤮Ugh your sweet couple goals is making me sick.

You: Lol 😂 Me, Eliza, and Bonzo will check Zombietown!

Zed: Thx 🤗

"I'll get south and you get north?" Eliza asked. You nod before turning to search for Zoey.
"Warning, werewolves have been sighted in the area. - Take cover immediately." You searched for Zoey before you spot her hanging posters. Another thing was she was talking to this guy. He was kinda cute in your opinion.

"Zoey, come on home. It's not safe out here with everyone panicking. Your brother and dad are worried about you!" You exclaimed approaching them. "Just one sec." She said turning her head to the teenage boy. "Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend." She said to the teenager. "Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves."He said. Wow way to crush children's dreams. "But we heard it howl." Zoey said. "Maybe it was a hiker saying, "howl's it going?" The boy suggested.

"It was a werewolf! My, what big eyes you have." Zoey observed. "Alright Zoey how about you head on home and I'll hang up the rest of these posters. Great drawing by the way". You complimented. She smiled before running to her home. You turned around to see the boy staring at you. "Good day sir." You smiled before walking past him and hiding behind a vehicle.

Something was off about him and you were determined to find out. You followed him as he went past the fence. Why was he going to the forbidden forest?! You followed him deeper into the forest before he entered a pack of... werewolves! He suddenly took off his uniform revealing his more rugged one, he then put on a necklace which glowed bright blue. His eyes turned yellow as he grew fangs. Wait was he a werewolf?!

"He's back. Wolves! Over here! Come gather! What did you find out?" The one I saw from earlier said. "They saw you howling, Willa." The boy frowned. "So?" Willa asked. "We're exposed." He said presenting one of Zoey's posters. "Looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that." She said flipping her hair.

"Stop being such a worry-wolf, brother. I only said "awoo"! It's like saying "ciao" or "aloha." Or "I'll rip your throat out." Eek. "Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town." Willa frowned. "We have to find the Great Alpha." Wyatt said. "If there even is a Great Alpha." Willa shrugged. "Willa, we saw her in the forest. - She had the white hair." Wyatt argued.

"It was probably just the light." Willa said. "She's real, and she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone." Wyatt said. "And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years." Another werewolf said. "Okay. Even if the girl is the Great Alpha, how do we find her?" Willa asked.  Wyatt lifted up the missing tag from your jacket. "Crap" you thought.

"I found this in forest... it belonged to her sister." He shrugged. "That's great! We'll use our keen sense of smell to track them down." The werewolf said.  Wyatt eyed her weirdly, "it said Seabrook High on it so I thought we might check it out." You gasped which was a huge mistake. The wolves ears twitched as they searched their surroundings. "Someone's here!" Willa said.

You trialed back running back towards civilization, not turning back. But one thing was clear werewolves were coming to Seabrook!

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