Chapter 6 (SHAKE, SHAKE)

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Chapter 6 (Shake, Shake).

After I finished my breakfast. I feel refreshed and the simple words from Mrs Lam seems to fill my lung and peck up my muscles. I carry my tray of breakfast down and place it on the table. Mrs Lam came to me

"How are you, my dear boy" she ruffle my long hair.

"I am all good" I told her

"That's good, that's good" she reply.

Then, I learnt that the young master has left for work. I don't even know why but I feel like maybe I wanted to see him before he left. Has my heart gone softer towards him. I don't know. I wasn't that disappointed, maybe just a little bit. To be honest, he is a good looking guy after all.

I saw Mr Lam and I ask him, how is everyone

"They are doing what they usually do" Mr Lam reply, then he laugh.

"My body feels stiff" Mr Lam told me

"Don't you exercise ma" I asked curiously. I remember my mother always does yoga and my dad did some sort of Kung Fu exercise. They looks strong and healthy.

"Don't know what to do loh" Mr Lam reply.

Then I have some funny ideas creeping up.

"Gather everyone into the dancing studio, except that He Peng, tell them to change into comfy shoes" Then I ran up the stairs to my room, wanting to take my phone and change into some comfy shoes.I waited in the dancing room. The staffs came in one by one with confused faces. I found it funny and began to giggle.

"Hey, everyone, don't be afraid. I am just wondering if any of you do exercise at all" most of them looks at each other murmuring "Aiyo, what is exercise", "where got time", "So old already how to exercise". Only one of two puts up their hands. They are the younger people.

"Hey, exercise is good for health, today, I am going to teach you some simple exercise, ok" Ater I spoke I could see all their horrified faces, like I am asking them to climb Mount Everest.

"How can I" "I might break my bones" "I might fall down", the staffs were talking among themselves.

Mrs Lam steps in and smiles at all of them.

"We should all try new things, you don't know, it might be good for your health" Mrs Lam trying to calm the staff. Well, that seems to work. I just love Mrs Lam, she is like a mother to all of them. I think they respect her a lot. Who wouldn't, she is really kind and gentle.

"Ok, this is a very easy exercise, any age can do it, I will demonstrate" I put on the music. Then I stand in front of them.

"One, two shake shake.. two two shake shake, three two shake shake, four two shake shake" I show them how to shake their bum, from to right, by demonstrating with my own bum.

All I could hear from them were laughter and giggles and word like

"Wow, that's how you get a nice bum like him", "Ya, look at his sexy bum" "Gosh, I want one too"

I laugh and smile at them.

"Look all of us can do it, it is not only helps us to look better but also good for the health". I reply to them and everyone nod their head and agreed.

So, I put on the music and space them apart.

"No, follow my legs and see how I shake" There is go again.

The Crazy Housekeeper (Yizhan, Zhanyi) COMPLETED ComedyWhere stories live. Discover now