Chapter 18 (Help Me!!!!!)

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Chapter 18 (HELP ME!!!!)

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT YOU" the husky voice of a man I couldn't see the face.

This voice is not familiar to me, no, wait where did I heard that before.

My mind was in a confused state but definitely don't want anyone to restrict my freedom and grab me against my will.

"You idiot, let me go' I try to free my wrist but man, that guy is strong.

"Long time no see, but you grow so beautiful and handsome every day" the man said

"" I asked

"YOU don't even remember me, while I can't stop thinking about you everyday, every hour, every minute, every seconds, Bodie"

"YOU!!!!, He Peng< what do you want?" I tremble because I did not expect to see this man ever again.

"YOU OF COURSE" He Peng grab both my hands now and push me against the dark wall.

"What.." I keep shaking my head as he tries to kiss me . HE tries... I almost die now.

I kept talking non-stop as I kept shaking to avoid him kissing me. 

"Do you know who I am, Huh, I am Wang Yibo, my family owns the Wang Corporation. You touch me, you are dead" I seems to sense him pausing. I know my family influences, most would not dare to muddle with the Wang's family. Although, I am not involved in the family business. I know we have our hands in most business. The Xiao's are like us, in fact, I am not sure but we do have some joint projects too.

"Let me go NOW" I tried to demand.

However, this doesn't seems to work. He Peng tighten my hands again.

"Too late now, I am head over heel in love with you. I cannot control anymore, Bodie, pleaseeee, be MINE. I don't even care if I am in jail, You are worth it though" He continue to try and kiss me. He kiss my neck which makes me sick in my stomach. I tried to kick his legs but he pinned me with his legs as if he knew my next move.

"Please... ..go" My tears are flowing now, I rather die that let him touch me or rape me. He Peng is like a crazy beast now. He just kissed me recklessly, attacking my neck like a hungry dog chewing his bones. I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled on top of my voice

"XIAO ZAN, MOMMY, HELP!!!!!" suddenly, He Peng stops

"Who do you call?, Xiao Zan, er, I knew it, no one can escape his charm. Rich, smart, handsome . He has everything but tonight HE WILL NOT HAVE YOU. I WILL HAVE YOU"

"NO... NO...NO....Please" I yell and yell and yell. I didn't want to give up but I close my eyes because I couldn't stand the sight of THIS MAN.

Suddenly, I felt that his grip on me lossen. And He Peng fell on the floor with his mouth oozing out blood. Someone has given him a punch and it was a man in black. But it was too much for me... my body begin to slide down the wall. It did not touch the floor because someone holds my body. This time, I am familiar with the scent and I feel comfortable.

However, I couldn't stop trembling and shaking, the thought of He Peng sent me into a fright mode.

Then I heard voices coming towards me, they are all familiar voices and they crowd around me

"Oh no, Yibo, di di, Seoungyoun and all of you, ATTACK!!!!" I know it is Wen Han giving instruction to the rest of them.

"You want to die er, attacking our little brother, you must have wanted a shorter life then"

"Do you know how precious he is to us, YOUR IDIOT. You touch the purest soul on earth. You will riot in HELL" I could hear all of them shouting and yelling non-stop. There were punches and kicking sound.

"I will call the police" Weh Han came and see me.

I was too trembling and I don't like it but my eyes rolling up and Wen Han and Xiao Zan panic.

"NO, NO, NO" I could hear both of them shouting

"YIbo, Yibo" I also began hyperventilating now, my breathing became hard, I was gulping for air.

Xiao Zan took me in his arm, sitting on the floor of darkness. He put his hand on my heart and he began singing. That was the sweetest voice I had ever heard. I began to feel calmer.

"Sir, take him away from here, he doesn't like darkness, it is not going to help if he remains here. Oh, I know you care for him because other than his mom, you are the only one that can help him with his panic attack. TAKE HIM AWAY NOW. It will make him worst!!!!!! If he stay here. " I could hear Wen Han desperate voice yelling.

I can't do much to myself. I cringed to the only familiar person that was holding on to me. That is Xiao Zan

Xiao Zan tries his best to run but maybe because he is carrying me, he couldn't run as fast as he wants. The Limo was waiting there with Mr Lam opening the door for his young master. As soon as Mr Lam saw him, his teeth was grunting and his palms formed into a fist.

"How I wish my old bones cold knock all his teeth out, what he has done to my cute Bodie is unforgivable" Mr Lam was speaking with anger, NO RAGE. His hold my hand slightly and I could feel his warm, although I was still weak from all the struggles physically and emotionally. I could still managed a light smile and a squeeze of his hand. He called me "MY cute Bodie". I took that into account and I know Mr Lam was more than just being an employee, to Xiao Zan, he is more like a family member. I could always feel that their interaction is more like relative or kinship. Mr Lam speaks of his young master with sparkles in his eyes and even with my blurr vision, that sparkles was visibly in Mr Lam's eye when he calls me.

I feel Xiao Zan carrying me like a puppy dog and gently put me into the back of the car. The thought of THAT BEAST He Peng, overwhelm and disgust me, So I vomited on the floor in the car. Zan pat me on my back trying to smoothen my sufferings .

I could only say these words in the car

"He... touch... me, he.... Touch.... Me" I felt tears rolling down and the pain in my heart was excruciating. Xiao Zan hugs me tightly.

"Shhhh, I am here.... I am here.... I will protect you forever..., my love...."

These words comforted me, but I felt that my brain has been filled up with darkness and my eyes see nothing but dimming lights that are slowing fading away and that eventually faded completely, and then I lost consciousness.


I think this is kind of boring....

The Crazy Housekeeper (Yizhan, Zhanyi) COMPLETED ComedyWhere stories live. Discover now