Meeting His Man

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Katsuki bakugo, age: 16, school: UA high, relationship status: complicated......

×Bakugos pov×

I had looked around the hall ways for kirishima so we could hang out like hes been planning for a month, everytime I say I'm busy but one night he caught me off guard and is now forcing me to be here at 5:30 pm when everyone is in the dorms having dinner or if your half-n-half then asleep. "Oh bakubro sorry I was late i lost track of time with denki and shinso, I hope you understand" said the male with spiky red hair and sharp teeth. "Yeah whatever shitty hair, why did you even make me come here anyway?" I replied without looking at kirishima. "Well we never hang out because your in your room or not even anywhere near campus... one night you were gone for three days we got worried and went into the cafe downtown but no one remembered your face." Kirishima seemed worried like always. I blush still looking away and start slowly walking towards the stairs, "I was just having sum fun with my boyfri--- girlfriend... she doesnt live in town so I went to visit her for a few days..." I kept walking, kirishima followed. "Oooo who is she can I meet her, are you having her come here sometime soon?!" He lit up in excitement. "Dont get two excited shes I guess you could say shy and introverted around different people." I smirk but also somewhat ashamed that I have to lie about my sexuality to my best friend. About five to ten minutes passed of silence then shitty hair had the great idea to bombard me with questions "Is she hot, does she like the beach, what's her favorite color, how many times have you kissed, did she lose her virginity to you if so how many times have you done it."...... I think I'm going to blast his head off...... "kirishima shut the hell up you dont need to know how many times we've kissed and had sex, that's none of your business" I also had a small explosion. "Well if I meet her what are we supposed to talk about? Quirks?" Kirishima came out to the school about three months ago, ever since then I keep thinking hes a masculine gay uraraka or even mina. "Ya know for one your never gonna meet her two I'm not gonna have her here if you act like that with her, and three I just wanna walk back to the dorms with the least talking possible, okay?" I was a little pissed, my secret partner is sneaking in tonight and I'm trying to contain my excitement.

~Back At The Dorms~
~9:43 pm~

Kirishima came in about ten minutes ago with some friends to say they were gonna go out, I was sleepy but somehow ended up with them, my secret relationship would have to be at a bar tonight, I'm lucky because he drinks and can hide us in the crowd easily, "were here everyone be the best gay you can be" denki loudly said "wait what this is a gay bar?  Shitty hair you told me it was a average bar" I yelled. "Who cares bakugo we can get drunk plus there are more people, that also means denki and shinso dont get lost in the crowd of people" shitty hair told all of us. Once we got inside I saw him... my secret partner.... I wanted to go give him a kiss so badly but I stayed with kirishima until he said this.... "ah shit I found a man who I would call daddy anytime" he made a fist and covered his mouth with it, after that he patted my back gave a certain look and walked away. Ofcourse I walked to the bar to talk to my mystery man but after and hour we ended up being in a corner where no one dared to go making out intensely, "Hey! You two cant be back here!" Said a security gaurd. I was so drunk at the time I said "Its fine I'm drunk and hes helping me in almost every way possible" the gaurd walked up to us making me and him walk out of the corner, but that wasnt the most scary part, that was the fact the whole group I came with had left me and my only ride home was my boyfriend.

~On The Ride To The Dorms~

"Hey babe can we stop and get some water or something I'm not feeling good" I said. "Yeah ofcourse" he pulled over at a gas station got some condoms and three large bottles of water. "Really? You know we cant do that In the dorms, if someone found out you would be sent away or I would get kicked out" I said in an upset tone "It doesn't have to happen at your dorms, by the end of the week I plan on you meeting at my place so we can do what we've been talking about for the past couple months" he smirked, kept driving and put his free hand on my thigh

~At The Dorms~

Denki saw me walk in the door with a smirk on my face "So who's virginity did you gain tonight" he laughed even though is it's around 1 am, "I didnt have sex with anyone, I'm in a relationship" I look away falling on the couch at the entrance "with a girl? I'm surprised you've always came off as gay for kiri" he was making a sandwich, "for my bestfriend? Ha never he wishes though-" I got a call, "hey denki I'm gonna head to bed, have a nice night" I got up with a smile... hes here...  I open my bedroom window to let him in.... "ya know everything would be easier if you were a hero..... dabi todoroki."......

~Authors Turn~
Did I make this just to fail a test and leave you in suspense, yes yes I did lmao

Word count: 1007

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