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I sat there. White earbuds sat in my ears blasting some song that i didn't even know the name of. My long, black sleeves were pulled over my arms. My thumbs swirled around one another. I would've changed the song by now on my phone,
but I wasn't even thinking about it. All I could think about was my moment with... Him.

Now you're probably thinking, 'Oh no, it's this boring romance shit again.' But I didn't think of it that way, not yet anyways. I thought the guy was super sweet but, I didn't want to get my heart stuck in a boy that wouldn't commit. I learned the hard way.

Suddenly, I was broken from my chain of thought, there was a tap on my shoulder. the voice was a blur until I took out one of my earbuds. All I could make out of it was "-lar" which I assumed the person was saying my name. I turned to the familiar voice and I saw, the girl had the jawline of a sculpture, the long brunette hair stood out. The girl's eyes pierced for attention, and I said, "Hey---." The girl sat down in an empty chair next to me. She turned towards me and just sat there watching me. I turned to her and whispered "what do you want?" All she did was bite her lip which I thought was really aggravating. "Skylar," the girl paused, "you can't keep doing this.. You can't stay mad at me forever." I looked at her and said "You had sex with another guy while we were dating. I have every right to be mad at you, Ariana. you were a slut and still are one because you slept with every goddamn guy in the whole fucking school. So leave me alone you skank." Her mouth was gaped opened when I finished my sentence. Than out of nowhere she started crying, like full on bawling. I didn't realize how loud I was being. People were looking.

My hands started shaking. I was freaking out. Ariana was bawling and people were staring and whispering to their friends. I could imagine what they were saying, "Look at those freaks," or, "Why is he being so mean?" I turn and look at 'him' and he is staring back in shock. Then I turn around and grab my stuff and I bolt out of the cafeteria. I reached the men's restroom.

My hands were planted firmly on the bowl of the sink. I looked into the mirror, staring straight into my eyes. I heard voices they were swarming around me. "Freak..... Asshole.... Weirdo.... Douche." I couldn't breathe. I clamped my hands over my ears. I kept trying to tell myself, "They aren't there... They aren't there... They.." My eyes were shut tight and I screamed. I couldn't hear it but I knew it happened. I fell to the floor, I stared at the ceiling. My heart was pounding. I blacked out.

I woke up in a bed surrounded by white walls. The only other person in the room was him. I look at him in shock and wondering 'why in the hell is he here and next to my bed.' It was like he knew someone was watching him because he shot wide awake in an instant. He looked at me wide eyed and asked "why are you looking at me like that." I just sat there for a moment and just looked at him. Then I finally answered "I was staring at you because I was wondering what are you doing here." His reply made me do a double-take of the words that just left his mouth "I wanted to know if you were okay, because you mean a lot to me."

I wanted to faint again. His words.... They couldn't comprehend. I looked at him with a blank stare. I could feel my face getting warmer, flushed with red. I wanted to tell him I loved him since the day I met him. But...... I knew, that wouldn't work. So all I could say was a small, "Oh.." I kept my cool, but was freaking out on the inside, I already felt a million times better.

Then that's when it happened. It just happened, I'm not sure why. It came without warning. I was so confused, but I loved it. He kissed me. He just leaned down towards me on this hospital bed and kissed me. His hand laid firm on my neck, I didn't know what to do with mine. I moved them to the bck of his head. I felt his lips smile against mine. My eyes were still open. Why were they still open? He closed his. What am I doing? It felt like this was my first kiss, and in a sense, it was. My first kiss with a boy.

He finally pulled away, and stared at me, into my eyes. I smiled and said in a soft voice, "What.... Was that?" He said, "I don't really know. You...." He paused awkwardly, "were there.." I giggled.

Then my mom walked into my room. All I could think was 'God damnit Mom! Fuck off!' But he talked for me, "Hey Mrs. Evans." She responded, "Oh.. Dylan you're still here.. It's getting late.. Do you want me to take you home?"
I thought, 'No.. No... NO!'
"No it's okay.. My mom knows I'm here." He chuckled slightly.
"Okay," she replied. My mother grabbed something then left the room.

"I like your mom. She's nice." I Scoffed at that, "Not always."
"Well she takes care of you. And that's all that matters to me.." I tried to say something but the words just wouldn't come out. I could feel my face get warmer as my cheeks became red. I tried to look away but he grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes. "Don't even think about it.." He smiled and kissed me again. After that, I couldn't remember anything.

Hey guys! This is my first time on Wattpad. Well.... Creating a story on Wattpad! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll be updating soon. But the chapters will get shorter, I wanted the first chapter to be the longest! Thanks for reading my story!

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