Day 5: First kiss 💋

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I could describe this as wonderful, beautiful,magical, unexplainable,
But it would be like telling you how it feels to melt,
How really do you describe something you've never felt?
My friends say it's normal, that I should just chill
It's just a kiss, it's not a big deal
They say it'll never go as I plan, it's unexpected shit, that I should be calm,
That everything I'll feel, depends on who it'll happen with,
I smile and act like I've forgotten the screams and excited whispers that went on months after their first kiss,
It really might be as unexpected as they say, but it doesn't stop my mind from making a say,
It sits with my imagination and they make plans,
Running haywire and making me mad,
They say they want nothing fancy, nothing too sad,
They just want me to get lost in convo with a guy I really like,
Then we stop for a while and smile, maybe laugh,
Nothing like that staring competition shit, that fairytales and movies think is romantic,
When it finally happens, it should take me by surprise, cinnamon breath, please don't try to hold my hands,
And when we pull away, just smile and look away,
If you try and stare at me, I just might run away,
You don't owe me the words 'I love you' after we kiss,
So don't say it, so I don't get pissed,
I don't owe you the answer 'Yes' to 'Did you like it?'
So don't ask me this,after the kiss, no matter how much I seem to be intrigued by the power of your lips,
Don't ask me to lunch, after it's done,
Just promise me you'll text me and then leave before I start vexing,
Don't get angry at me if I don't talk to you for a day or two,
Just keep teasing and disturbing me, I am known to act a fool,
And when I'm finally ready to start talking to you,
Don't bring up the issue except I probably do,
Don't sigh at anything I say, I can be mean and immature and it's no play,
Just keep in mind that I'd have push you away, if I wasn't ready to be your babe,
These are the things my imagination has come up with,
And my mind has put a seal to it,
If my first kiss doesn't end up like this,
I'm cancelling it and Calling it a dream

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