Not Funny Banks

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Alexis Summer stood in her driveway, hockey stick in hand waiting patiently for her neighbour to head outside. She looked down at her skates noticing they were untied and she bent down to fix them.

The girl was seemingly in a trance as she tied her shoes and that's why she didn't hear her beautiful blue eyed best friend approaching her with a grin on his face.

"Hey" he spoke, scaring the girl and causing her to fall down on her butt.

She groaned at him as he openly laughed at her, she shot him a sad face mixed with a glare and immediately he ceased his laughter.

"Not funny Banks" she whined out as he extended a hand out to her to pull her up.

"Actually" he corrected as he pulled her up "I think it was quite hilarious".

The girl rolled her eyes jokingly and pouted, knowing how to make the boy feel bad. She looked down at her shoes and put on her best sad face as she heard Adam sigh.

"Oh man, i'm sorry Lexi, don't be mad, I wont laugh again" he begged.

The girl inwardly smirked at how quickly she could make him apologise, she knew that he would do anything to make her happy, but then again she would also do anything to make him happy so it worked both ways.

"Lex, please look at me, i'm sorry" he whined grabbing her chin softly and forcing her to look at him

She couldn't hide her smile any longer as they made eye contact and she saw noticed Adam's eyes light up in relief as he saw she wasn't really mad.

"Now that my Adam, was funny" she teased as she pulled the slightly older, but much taller boy into a hug.

The boy smiled at his best friend before hugging back tightly, hearing Alexis sigh in contentment.

"You wanna practice?" Lexi asked motioning to the goal in her driveway.

Adam smirked as he looked down at the smaller girl "you ready to lose" he teased her as she rolled her eyes and put her finger on his chest.

"You're going down Banks, just you wait and see" she stated, trying her best to be intimidating.

You see the thing is, both children knew the outcome of the game, Adam would play hard but he would always let Lexi win, that's been the case since they were both old enough to pick up a hockey stick.

Lexi was both touched and sometimes annoyed by the boys gestured as she assured him constantly it was okay for her to lose to him sometimes, Adam was stubborn but and insisted that he didn't do it on purpose she was just way too good for him. But the obvious flaw in the lie was no one was as good as Adam Banks.

The two children had been neighbours and best friends since birth. Despite their different upbringings nothing has ever got in the way of their friendship.

When Alexis was young her mother died, leaving her with her older brother by 5 years Isaac and father Shane. Her father often put business before his family even when his children were practically babies, growing up Alexis spent all her time when her father was away with her Aunty Casey and cousin Charlie. The boy was only 15 months older then Lexi and she considered him another best friend.

Lexi's situation was complicated, due to often staying with her Aunty she attended school with her cousin and all his hockey friends, they all loved Lexi and treated her like one of their own even though due to her actual place of residence she played for the hawks.

Alexis sometimes felt she had the best of both worlds, she got to go school with her cousin and district 5 friends but she got to play hockey with her Adam and their other Hawks teammates including her other best friend Elliot Cruise. Adam, Elliot, Alexis, Alex Larson and Dave McGill were a friendship group not to be messed with. Aside from McGill they all were genuinely nice children but the boys often just seemed to be caught up in trying to be the best and impress McGill all the time.

The 5 were extremely close despite Lexi's dislike for McGill.

Alexis loved the Hawks but would always have a special space for the district 5 team, they were all there for her when life was really tough, and despite their obvious disapproval of her friendship with the hawks they manage to respect her choices most of the time.

Despite all the friends she had she knew she would never get someone she loved as much as one Adam Banks.

She was there for him when he would break down in tears because of the pressure his dad put on him, he was there for her when she was home alone because her dad just didn't care.

In their own ways both children were pieces of china constantly breaking, but when one broke the other was right there with the glue ready to stick the pieces back together.

The two friends had now faced each other and tapped their sticks together ready to play their game of Hockey.

Lexi stole the puck and began roller blading towards the net, quickly Adam followed, taking his stick and swiping the puck, the pair repeated this for several moments before Lexi finally managed to smack the puck into net.

The two played for what felt like hours before deciding to call it quits, to the surprise of literally no one Lexi won 5-4.

"Good game" she smiled as she offered him a sweaty handshake

He grinned back and went to pull her into a hug but she put her hand out to stop him as he frowned

"Nope, you're all sweaty, don't touch me" she teased as she turned around to fetch the puck

Adam Banks just simply grinned as he skated up behind her wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground into a hug.

"Ew Adam, Really" she screeched but hugged back nevertheless.

A.N Hi! Welcome to my book, I hope so far you're finding it okay. Just a quick shoutout to @90'sbxnks who is one of my absolute fav people, she made a joke the other day about me putting her character in my book for a few cameos so surprise that's what ive done! if you have time people go read her books life and puck life because they are literally life! ive never been so interested and invested in any books like I have hers.

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