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Name: Lòrena Camerèz Ràjsh-Ramìrez

Nicknames: Lola, Carmen, Lori, witch bitch, (future ones)

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, German

Age: 19+ (human years) , Immortal (supernatural years)

Born: she doesn't know

Resides: she travels


~Viper: claws, white eyes, canine teeth, pale skin (depends on rp)

~Vampire, witch, hell-demon: sharp-long teeth, white eyes, sharp/pointed red or black nails, red blushed cheeks (not done by make-up), pale skin (depends on rp)

~Shapeshifter: all of her other fc's and into a viper (depends on rp)

Single or taken: Single


Species: Viper, hell-demon with vampire and witch counterparts and abilities, shape-shifter

Abilities: hell-demon abilities(fire, black magic, teleportation), Vampire abilities( hypnosis, speed) Witch abilities(telepathy, telekinesis, levitation), Viper abilities(speed, venom)

Family status: foster child (until adopted but this may change, depends on the rp)

Siblings: none that she knows of. Her closest friends are her siblings cause they know so much about her

Occupation: bartender, college student

Medical information: Mild depression, Dissociative Identity disorder (DID), anxiety disorder, PTSD


Others: she smokes a little, only when someone gives her a cigarette or when she finds one, but will quit cause she hates it. She is a heavy drinker and partier and she gets blackout drunk where she doesn't remember anything the next day, she has a explosive temper, she flips between a introvert to a extrovert, she quickly flips between her DID which is a result of her PTSD and she has no control over it. She tends to skip her meds that she has for her PTSD and DID and moods swings and anxiety cause she hates her medicine but has no trouble with taking club drugs and steroids. She has a bad tendency to curse a lot, practically in every sentence, mostly when she's angry or embarrassed or just because, but she has no filter. She has a pierced ear and pierced nose and she has a scar on both of the ends of her eyebrows. She doesn't dislike children but she doesn't understand them.

Sexuality: bi-pan (no lean)

FC: Kat Dennings (Her adult nicer and more warm human-like side, party-like side, weird side)

Lindsay Gort (Adult and wild party side, inappropriate side)

Cara Delevingne (teen and silly side)

Katherine Newton (her angry and more wild and impulsive side) main anon/FC

Annasophia robb (child and pre-teen side)

Introvert or extrovert: both

Be alone or with someone: undecided

Housing: depends on rp

(Other information can be determined through specific rp's)



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