11: 32 AM [1]

5 1 0

Remy | Unknown


"Hello and Welcome to Hotline Anony-

"How do I contact whoever runs the customer service for this hotline?"

"Uh... I'm sorry, ma'am?"

"Customer service. How?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, we do not have a customer service.

Any complaints that you would like to make have to be made with one of the moderators.

In the current case, that would be me."

"Okay then.

Fifteen minutes ago, I rang up this hotline and asked to be connected to someone.

The moderator chose instead to drop the call for absolutely no reason."

"All moderators are entitled to drop the call for any reason they may deem fit, ma'am.

As I'm sure you heard once the call had been ended?"

"We-well, yes. But can't I at least know why? I didn't really say anything at all, much less anything wrong."

"I'm afraid I can't give you a definitive answer about that.

But, I can connect you to the moderator you had talked to earlier, if you'd like?

So you can ask them that yourself."

"Yeah that would be great! Thank you!"

"No problem, ma'am. Kindly state your name."

"Remy Anderson."


nobody with that name has been logged on in the past 15 minutes, ma'am."

"Oh yeah, I didn't get to give my name before the call was dropped. I only stated who I wanted to be connected with."

"Alright, and who would that be?"

"Blake Renedard."


"Hello? Are you still there?"

"I-I'm really sorry about that ma'am."

"Uh...that's alright? You don't have anything to be sorry about!"

"I... kinda do.



"I- I'm the one who dropped the call. Fifteen minutes ago.

Sorry about that. I speak kind of fast when I'm nervous."

"Whatever, man. Do you want to tell me why you dropped my call? 

For no reason? When I hadn't even said anything?"

"Uh yeah, well, that-that's because you kinda caught me off guard.

'Cause that's me.

That's my name.

I'm Blake Renedard."

"You've GOT to be shitting me."


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