the end

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Y/ns pov

~on phone still~

Y-'' oh, well I'm doing good. how are you?''

C-''oh well that's good to hear, yea I'm doing good.

There was a silence for a short while, until he spoke up.

C-''hey I was wondering if you would like to go out, you don't have to seen as what you went through I totally understand-''

Y-'' I would love to, how about...tomorrow. I'm free then''

C-''really that'll be great, I'll pick you up at...''


C-"9:30 it is, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Y-"Ha yes Colby, goodbye."


~off phone~

I'm just sitting on my couch trying to pick anything on Netflix. But seen as there's nothing I just sit with my thoughts, while my eyes slowly close...

half an hour later I wake up from my short nap to knocking on my door.

''who could that be?''

I get up to investigate, seen as what happened to me two weeks ago anything could happen.


thank god it was only Kat,

Y-''what a you doing here?''

K-''i wanted to have dinner with my best friend, and don't worry ill cook.''

Y-''oh you don't have to-''

K-''no, i'm cooking us dinner, you try and find things on Netflix.''''

there was a bit of a snap in her voice so i let he do her thing.

Y-''hey there's nothing good on Netflix but i did just get Disney +.''


Kat and I are really big Disney fans. So I'm looking through Disney + and I decided on a movie we both love. Kat's about finished with dinner so we sit down and watch beauty and the beast (one of my favourites).

~time skip to 2 hours~

we finished the movie and our dinner, Kat leaves but I'm not bothered to do the dishes right now. I get ready for bed and pass out on my comfy mattress.

~the next day~

I wake up at 8:00, eat breakfast, decide what I'm gonna wear and do my hair and makeup

what your wearing

what your wearing

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9:20 almost, I'm so exited my hearts beating out of my chest, after the little heart attack I had its 9:30 so I run outside to see that my carriage awaits

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9:20 almost, I'm so exited my hearts beating out of my chest, after the little heart attack I had its 9:30 so I run outside to see that my carriage awaits. with a cute guy to.

he's wearing

(without the hat)

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(without the hat)


C-''hello to you.''

I silently giggle, while I get into his car.

Y-''were to?''

we didn't quite discus where were going.

C-''I was thinking somewhere you've never been to.''

as I'm thinking I see a slight smile on his face, it was good to see he's happy.

the car stops , were are we? with a couple looks i know exactly were we are.

Y-''the Hollywood sign!''

C-''yea, were here to watch the sunset.''

how can a guy plan something like this, this is amazing.

Y-''I've never been here before.''

C-''thought so.''

Y-''whats that supposed to mean?''

C-''nothing Kat just said you've never been here.''

so he had Kat help him, but the fact that he asked her is different to the other guys I've dated before.

we sit there waiting for the sun to go down, it dose...just very slowly, I can feel him slowly inching his hand to mine. then he looks at me...

C-''y/n, you are no ordinary girl, but your different. ''

as he's speaking he grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, as I do the same.

C-''I would love it if you would, be my girlfriend?''

as I'm standing there with a heart full of lust I gently say..


he picks me up and swings me around with a big smile, then he drops me down and kisses me. I'm a bit shocked but I lean in for another one. then we kiss into the sunset.

~the end~

Hi I hoped you liked it.  If you did leave a comment on what you thought about the last chapter of social anxiety.

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