Chapter 2

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It was nearly 10 o'clock when Kagami finally reached the city library, sweaty and wheezing. Kuroko was standing by the main entrance, under the big clock just like they had agreed. Kuma sat stoically at his feet like a guardian out of some fantasy movie.

"Mornin'," Kagami said, trying to sound like he hadn't just sprinted all the way from home.

Kuroko's brows knotted at the sound of his voice, and the softness of his eyes was dimmed by the shadow of a dark glare.

"You're late."

"Only a little."

Kuroko dug out his phone, held it out in front of Kagami's face and pushed a little button on the side. An automatic, synthetic-sounding female voice announced the current time: 09:52 AM.

Of course.

"Sorry, I missed the bus."

"Don't you live near Aomine-kun's place?"

"Well – "

"So, about 15 minutes by walking?"

"But – "

"If you want my help, you have to do better than this. Otherwise, we're just wasting both of our time."

Kagami's shoulders slumped under the scolding, and he stared at the ground awkwardly. For such a soft-looking guy, Kuroko sure seemed to possess surprising cold frankness in his tone when needed.

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep last night and then didn't wake up when the alarm went off."

"Let's just get going. We're late."

Kuroko fixed his hold on Kuma's leash, and the dog perked up.

"Kuma, find the door."

The dog's furry side never stopped brushing against Kuroko's thigh as he guided him in the right direction. Silently, Kagami followed the pair through the sliding doors.

The most he had ever really paid attention to the giant library building that took up a whole block was to check the time on the big clock over the main entrance on his way to wherever he was already late. From the outside, it was a surprisingly plain building. A grey-white, solid block with square windows.

From the inside, a world of warm colors, soft lights, mysterious shadows, and papery smell opened in front of Kagami. It was like someone had taken a huge spoon and scooped the building hollow from the floor to the ceiling. Kagami's neck craned back when he tried to take in all the sudden open space.

The entrance hall spread out as far as his eye could see, almost looking like it went on till the end of times if he just kept walking. Here and there were little islands of couches and comfy-looking chairs with people slumped in them reading, browsing newspapers, or laptops propped on their knees. On their right, opened a sea of computer screens and people hunched over them, separated by dark grey cubicles. On the left, stretched out a long line of service desks and different machines. In the middle of the hall rose a wide staircase from the limestone floor, and Kagami counted at least three floors looming above them.

It was louder than Kagami had imagined a library to be. Keyboards were tap-tap-tapping. Printers and photocopiers beep-beep-beeping and sli-sli-sliding thin papers back and forth deep in their guts before spitting them out in neat stacks. Whatever silent gaps were left, were filled by low murmured conversations.

"Kagami-kun, please keep up," Kuroko called back to him.

He had made his way across the hall, and Kuma's front paws were already planted on the first step of the stairs that were covered by a carpet. Kagami hurried to catch up.

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