I- I have to tell you something

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Destiny's POV

The horror movie just finished, thankfully. Everyone was really comfortable, laying on the couches with a lot of blankets. This caused us to decide to watch another movie.

This time we all chose to watch a crime movie and thankfully not a horror movie again. Daniel was still playing with my hair,  moving his long, warm finger through my hair, causing me to feel so relaxed. It felt amazing but there was still something bothering me. I felt kinda bad for Zach because he made a really sweet gesture to comfort me, but Daniel got so jealous. 

I don't think it bothered Zach a lot because when I looked at him he was focusing on the movie, being with his thoughts only there.

I laid my legs down on Zach's lap, so I was now laying with my head on Daniel's lap and my legs were on Zach's lap. It was really comfortable, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Zach getting a slight smile on his face. 

I shivered, my body telling me that I was getting too cold. Daniel seemed to notice because he asked Jonah for another blanket.  Jonah gave another blanket to him and Daniel laid the blanket over me. So now there were two blankets over me, causing me to warm up again.

The crime movie was about a girl who was getting abused by her boyfriend and I didn't really like it. It made me think about my past. Things happened in my past that I would rather forget about. It traumatized me, but it also made m stronger. Maybe that's why I can cope with the fact that I am basically kidnapped. Everything is better than what happened back then. I tried to push my thoughts and memories away, but it didn't help.

Daniel's POV

We were watching a crime movie and everyone seemed to enjoy it except for Destiny. I could see that because she was moving uncomfortably sometimes. I didn't really think much of it and continued to watch the movie. Maybe she doesn't like crime movies.


"Destiny, are you ok?" Corbyn suddenly asked while looking concerned at Destiny. Everyone looked at her and they all got worried faces now. She was facing away from me, so I couldn't see her. What was going on?

I turned her to me so that I could see what was going on. She was crying and her face was really pale.

"Destiny? What's wrong? Look at me." I asked softly but concerned. She didn't look at me, it was like she was in her own world. 

"Is she ok?" Jack asked and I heard the concern in his voice. I felt her starting to shake and her breathing started to get heavier and quicker. She started to have a panic attack, so I quickly picked her up.

"I will be back soon guys. Don't worry." I said quickly to the boys while walking to my room with Destiny in my arms.

She grabbed my shirt and tried to speak, but choked on her words. 

"Destiny, it's ok. I am here. You're ok, everything is gonna be ok." I said trying to comfort her. After some time she calmed down a bit. 

"I- I have to tell you something." She said while her voice cracked during the sentence.

-to be continued-

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