Didn't you miss me?

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Corbyn's POV

We were all just hanging out in the living room, except for Daniel and Destiny, they were nowhere to be seen.

"Wait whose house was this again? Daniel Seavey right?!" Jason asked all of a sudden. 

He is alright I guess, he just has this weird vibe, but I should not worry about that, I'm probably just being paranoid, right?!

"Yes, I told you already." Jack said kinda annoyed. Our attention was drawn to the laughter that filled the living room.

Daniel and Destiny walked into the living room, filling the room with their laughter. Destiny was looking at Daniel, but as soon as she looked up our way, she stopped immediately. 

She stopped laughing and stood there staring in front of her. Staring at Jason, being completely in her own world. She lost all the color in her face and turned really pale.

What is going on? Daniel didn't notice and walked to Jason.

"What's up! I am Daniel." 

"Jason." Jason said introducing himself, while shaking Daniel's hand, but his focus wasn't on Daniel it was on someone completely different. I followed his eyes and was met with the now fragile looking girl. Destiny was still standing there really pale.

"Are you ok, Destiny?" I asked her, I'm really concerned right now. What's going on with her?

She was still in her own world, but then she got out of her daze. She looked at me, with a confused and pale look.

"Sorry, w-what did you say?" She tried to say but choked on her words mid-sentence.

Something is really going on. Something is impacting her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her again, with a smile trying to reassure her a bit.

"Uhm yeah." She said while sitting down beside me on the couch. She looked quickly at Jason, before looking down at her lap.

Daniel sat down beside Destiny and we all talked a bit about random things. Destiny didn't say a single word the whole time.

Something is really bothering her. Daniel started to notice it too. He put an arm around her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded softly. Jason didn't say much either the whole time.

He was too busy staring at Destiny. Daniel noticed and gave him a death stare. He ignored the stare Daniel gave him and kept doing what he was doing the whole time.

"Destiny, can we go talk somewhere privately?" Jason asked all of a sudden.

Destiny looked up at him and shook her head no.

"What's wrong, baby girl? Didn't you miss me?"

-to be continued-



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Hey queens,

sorry for the long wait...

Stay strong and stay together especially during these times.

Just a reminder:

You are so beautiful and so strong. Keep fighting, it will all be worth it one day<3



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