Kira decided to break it off between us. It's been months now and I still don't know why, but even if I did know I wouldn't care cause she was a bitch.
I never want to see her again. I doubt she's over me though, I already have a crush on someone and I'm going to ask her out on Monday, yet she is all high in the clouds and can't see a thing, or just made s mistake breaking up with me.
~~~~~~~~~~on Saturday~~~~~~~~
"Hey sweetie can you do me a hugeeeeeeee favor?" I knew my mom would pout if I said no. "Yeah what?"
"Can you go pick up some groceries for me?"
"Yeah sure" She handed me a list and I was on my way.~~~~~~~~~At the market~~~~~~~~
"Ok one last thing" I mumbled so no one would hear me talking to myself.
"OH MY GOD!" I could recognize that voice from anywhere, and it was Kira's.
"Is that a Mark I see?" I said nothing."Wow you look nice!"
"So do you" I really didn't want to deal with her.
"Wow, so how have you been?"
"Good, you?"
"You need help carrying those bags?"
They were getting heavy and what bad could come of this so what the heck."Uh, yeah thanks!"
I paid for my stuff and we walked out.
We just talked about what's going on in our lives as we walked and I was about
to say something about Mina (the girl I like) but, before that happened she held my hand.I didn't want to just reject her like that so I let it slide just this once.
Then Mina passed by us and Kira stopped her to say hey but it went all down hill from there.
"Oh hey Mina!"
"Oh hi Kira" then she noticed our hands.
"Oh I didn't know you guys were together that's great!"I quickly told her we weren't because otherwise this would be a mess.
"Oh no no no, we aren't-"
"Oh guys you don't have to hide it, I think it's great that your back together!"
"Anyways I gotta run but, I will catch you love birds later" and she ran off leaving us with our jaws on the ground.
Kira spat in my face."What?!"
"Do you..... want to..."
Kira seemed taken back by this, and I
felt bad because I think she wanted to
get back together with me and she seemed to be doing way better since we were together."Oh, ok well anyway I gotta go, dinners at five"
"Yeah see you around!"
And she left but, I had to clear this up fast.

The Bitch Came Back
Roman d'amourAfter a very tiring relationship with Kira, his childhood friend she comes back and worse than before.