Chapter 8: Revelations

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Castiel couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Dean was his weakness? The demon must have been lying to him, or toying with his emotions. He wasn't attached to Dean that way.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The angel replied and the demon raised an eyebrow. "I have no interest or connection to Dean Winchester in that way."

"Oh really? I beg to differ." The demon mused. "according to what I've seen in your mind, whenever you sit close to Dean, your chest tightens up."

"That's due to lack of air supply where we are hiding." He retorted.

"Butterflies in your stomach?"

Castiel didn't answer. There wasn't an explanation for that. The demon smirked, knowing he had won. "So," He looked at Castiel with a grin. "Need me to prove it to you further? I've got plenty of evidence that you like him. Now if only there was a way to deliver this 'intel' to the big man upstairs..."

"You leave my Father out of this!" The angel spat.

"Why? He deserves to know if one of his precious children went awry." He leaned in close to Castiel and whispered. "Just like Lucifer, right?" Castiel fell silent at the mention of his fallen brother, and the demon spoke again. "Huh, that's what I thought. Now, shall we call your precious Dean over here to save you? Actually, scratch that. We already have him prisoner."

The angel's eye's widened. "No..." Castiel struggled to get out of the chains. "How could you, you..." He trailed off.

"Oh, be careful. Those chains are doused in Holy Oil, so I would recommend not struggling so much otherwise I'll torch you up. I'll even let Dean watch!" He snickered gleefully and Castiel almost let a growl escape his throat. The demon turned and yelled over his shoulder. "Bring the Winchester in, boys."

Castiel's heart was beating a million miles a minute. Why did he care if Dean got hurt? Why did he care about Dean? What did they do to him?

Dean is my weakness...

A door that Castiel didn't know existed, opened, and two demons came in...dragging an almost-lifeless Dean Winchester behind him.

"Dean!" Castiel cried out to him, but the human didn't answer. He just grunted and looked up at the angel, pain and sorrow seeping out of his deep brown eyes...wait...Brown? Dean's eyes are hazel-green. Castiel looked at the pitiful thing before him and his face fell. Almost everything else is the same. The chinks in his hair that stick up in places they shouldn't, the way his muscles contorted, and...Castiel saw the lingering marks of a hand print on Dean's left arm. My hand print...

"C-Cas..." The fake Dean choked on his own words. " me..." Even the voice sounds the same! Tears stung at the angels eyes, but he forced them down. It's not's not's not...

"That's not Dean." Castiel looked upon the mock Dean with disgust. "Try harder next time you want to fool me."

The demon raised an eyebrow at the angel, but his face otherwise remained unchanged. "Oh really? What makes you think so?"

"His eyes. They're not brown, they're hazel-green. It takes more than that to trick an angel you know. I pay attention to details." when the words left his mouth, the other demons dropped the phony to the floor and it started crawling towards Castiel, his eyes turning more green in the light. The angel swallowed hard. Why did I say that...

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