Chapter 3

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    I woke up to light. It was bright, but not blinding. It covered everywhere. There was no walls, just blank white. I turned around hoping to see someone, to no avail.

    I was still investigating my predicament as I heard a voice.

    "Izuku Midoriya" 'It' said. "Wha..?" The words not quite forming in my mouth. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

    "I am the Holy One" It responded. "Like.. God?" "Oh no, I am the ruler of both realms, Heaven and Hell, and the little part in-between." "Is that where we are? The in-between that is" I questioned.

    "It is indeed. The in-between is a place for the nephilim, the angels that were exposed to the world to early. You are one of these."

    "What is a nephilim?" " Oh, that's easy, they are half angel half demon. They are more powerful than both because they can manipulate both the shadows and the light."

    "But I'm a quirkless nobody, how am I a nephilim?" "You clearly haven't seen your new additions have you?" "New additions? What?"

    He then felt a weight on his head, back, and tail. 'Wait tail?!' He looked up and saw a full length mirror in front of him. But he couldn't be seeing himself.

    The boy in the mirror looked like him, yes, but he had beautiful angel wings, a halo, a purple and black devil tail, and two foot long horns.

    "That's me?" I said aloud. "Indeed it is. Your powers should come naturally, normally you would get a chance to train them, but I'm afraid we don't have time for that." "What do you mean by that?"

    "Well, normally people that come here have died at an average age, you however, are only seven. You were too young to die, so I am putting you back in the human realm." "You will keep your powers when you transfer, but as far as the world knows, you are still dead."

    "Okay, so I died, became a nephilim, but I was to young to die, so you're bringing me back to life, and now I have superpowers. Is that everything?" "Yes, but you must go back to Earth now, or you will be dead for real.

Then everything went dark.

(Izuku doesn't like pro heroes because his dad was one and he thinks most heroes are like that. He's still only seven years old)

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